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Dear Participant: Your input is extremely important to Pivot Learning Partners. Thank you for attending the Fall Convening and thanks for giving your feedback! We look forward to seeing you again soon.
Tell us how we did at achieving our outcomes for the training:

Cross-Program Outcomes:
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly disagree
1. Understand the big picture of Pivot programmatic current and future state.
2. Understand how we will assess and make improvements to program quality and practice (QAQC) as our new, centrally developed programs are rolled out to districts, schools, etc.
3. Understand the Theory of Change broadly and how each specific program promotes college and career readiness. Apply the Theory of Change to your work, shifting to building systems that promote college and career readiness.
4. Practice in-depth review and analysis of data through an instructional leadership team (ILT) role play. Reflect and from the perspective of a Pivot coach, understand how the data must directly shape your work this year and into the future.
5. Specialize in one of our 3 programs. Become deeply aware of that program's standards-aligned services, intended outcomes, timeline for delivery (scope), etc.
6. Dive deep into QAQC, including determining how you might track progress of your current contract work towards your goals and discussing transition to next year.
Tell us how we did at incorporating into our training today some of our key beliefs about the characteristics of High Quality training.

Pivot Learning Partners' Key Beliefs:
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
1. This training taught me something new.
2. This training challenged my thinking.
3. This training provided me with information I can and will use.
Please give us an overall rating for the Fall Convening:
For me, the most meaningful activities at this training were...
For me, the most practical experience was...
I would like to know...
In order to be effective in my role at Pivot, I still need to learn more about...
Additional Comments:
Logistics: How well did each of the following work for you?
Worked Very Well Worked Somewhat well Did Not Work Very Well
Activities/Agenda for the Day
Your position title at Pivot
Name (optional)