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* There are about 37,200,000,000 cells in the human body. There are 270 bones at birth, of which after development through to adulthood a number of bones fuse for a total of 206 distinct bones in the adult human body. There are also 640 muscles in the adult human body. How many bones are there in an infant human?
There are more than 120 medical specialties and sub-specialties listed by the Association of American Medical Colleges. There are 141 accredited MD-granting institutions in the US, and 31 accredited DO-granting institutions. There are 400 major teaching hospitals and health systems including 51 Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers, all members of the Association of American Medical Colleges. How many accredited institutions grant Doctor of Osteopathic medicine degrees in the United States?
M.D. Application requirements differ between medical schools. The University of Central Florida Medical school has the following requirements. Minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0, minimum OLD MCAT score of 24 or NEW MCAT score of 500, among other things. What is the minimum undergraduate GPA requirement for UCF?
* Although probably wrong, the cost of medical school at the University of Florida is listed for the year 2015-2016 at $18,328.59. The cost at the University of Central Florida for the same academic year is listed at $29,835 (probably more correct). And Florida International University lists ALL approximated yearly costs at an average of $70,040 including room and board estimates. To be granted a Medical Doctor degree, one would incur these costs for 4 years minimum. UCF (TUITION ESTIMATE ONLY): $119,340. UF (TUITION ESTIMATE ONLY): $73,314.36. FIU (TOTAL COST ESTIMATE): $280,160. Craaaap..... So what is the estimated yearly cost of Tuition at UCF?
Javier has to study and catch up on reading for the previous semester of Anatomy & Physiology in order to take the second year class starting on August 22nd. The total pages to read between now and August 22nd, is about 635 pages. Assuming Javier has an average of 21 days available to read (3 weeks) minus a few days to review and familiarize with the data, he has to read an average of 30 pages per day for the next 21 days in order to catch up with the old material. How many pages does Javier have to read by August 22nd?
Javier is currently sitting at these numbers. 155.4 lbs (Post all meals today), BMI of 26.7, body fat percentage of 22.7%, muscle percentage at 39.5%, and a calculated body age of 32. The goal by August 22nd is to have dropped to below 145 preferably 140 pounds, and be in the low teens body fat %. Assuming a semi-healthy weight loss Intermittent fasting kick I have to lose over 15 pounds to be at 140 pounds, while maintaining or increasing muscle mass. This means I have to lose 3.85 pounds per week on average to get there. What is Javier's current muscle percentage?
The Andromeda galaxy is 2.537 million light years away from Earth. This equals about 1.49 x 10 ^ 19 miles away. The Andromeda galaxy is flying towards the milky way galaxy at about 68 miles per second, meaning in 2.2 x 10 ^ 17 seconds from now, there's gonna be some fun stuff going on. That equals about 6.09 x 10 ^ 13 hours from now, or 6,948,175,008.21 years from now. So almost another 7 billion years from now stuff is gonna go craaaaaaazy. But its probably more likely that something crazier will happen before then, because 7 billion years is a hell of a long time. About 86 million generations of people from now. How many years from now will the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies start colliding, violently?
This one is super easy. Type the third number in the following list, once into the answer box. 1,203,408,400.45, 3,238.48, 68,003.34, 4,382,321,030.45, 438,404,129.
How many bones are in an adult human body?
The TOTAL estimated costs for one year of medical school at the following school is $73,314.36 dollars per year.
University of Timbuktu
Florida State University
University of Florida
University of Kansas
Florida International University