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Our company is expanding. Help us, help you.

Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* Are you aware of our company and various services?
* If you were already aware of our company, how did you hear of it?
Family member
Business-related contact
Found through research
Not aware of it
* How interested are you in this kind of service or opportunity?
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Somewhat uninterested
Very uninterested
How interested are you in the following opportunities and services of this company? Select all that apply.
I am interested in building financial security for my family.
I am interested in having a full financial services product review.
I am interested in having my mortgage loan evaluated.
I am planning on buying or selling a home in the next several months.
I am interested in having a full financial needs analysis performed.
I recently changed jobs and need to know how to regain control of my existing 401(k) plan and/or other investments.
I want to begin building a second income.
I want to learn how to save more money.

* Which of the following factors would increase your likelihood of working with our company? Select all that apply.
Better service quality
More benefits
Better products
Flexibility in time commitment
Work and Life balance control
More confidence in my retirement ability
Earning a second income
Better payment plan for debt reduction

* Are you currently engaged in a similar service with another organization?
What company?
* How often do you engage or use the service this similar company?
I do not use a similar service
Please indicate your level of satisfaction with your current service provider.
Very Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied
Price or Fees
Service Response
Availability of Representatives
Quality of Product/Service
Ease of use of the service or business
Who makes the purchase decisions?
A family member
My business
You and your significant other together
* What features would you want in a service company as a user or member to better align it with your interests?
* For a follow up now enter your name and phone number; as well as click my contact links in the footer of this survey.

James Jowers
678-306-6111  |  [email protected]  | ​LinkedIN 

Click NOW to "Conquer Your Future”

My HGI Info

"People don't believe things until they see them." ~H.Humphrey

The greatest compliment to me is a referral...if you know someone who is looking for a better opportunity please introduce us and exchange our names and numbers.