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Here are 10 questions about the differences between BP 8 and BP 9 PHEP Performance Measures. This Knowledge check is followed by six questions seeking your feedback on the structure and content of this e-learning program.

A response is required for all questions. It will take approximately 6 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your responses will be strictly confidential and data from this questionnaire will be reported in the aggregate only.

John Snow, Inc. developed this training program under contract to CDC. If you have questions about the program or the survey, you may contact Janet Van Ness, MSPH of John Snow, Inc.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
* This is a two-part question:

Two BP 8 measures are no longer being reported in BP 9. Please choose one of the measures that is NO LONGER reported in BP 9.
Percentage of key response partners successfully contacted without using electric grid power and primary land-line telephone services
Time to complete a draft of an After Action Report and Improvement Plan
Production of the approved Incident Action Plan before the start of the second operational period
Time to re-evaluate response following approval and completion of corrective action(s) identified in an After Action Report and Improvement Plan.
Time to issue a risk communication message for dissemination to the public
* Now choose a second measure that is NO LONGER being reported in BP9.
Time to issue a risk communication message for dissemination to the public
Percentage of key response partners successfully contacted without using electric grid power and primary land-line telephone services
Time to re-evaluate response following approval and completion of corrective action(s) identified in an After Action Report and Improvement Plan.
Time to complete a draft of an After Action Report and Improvement Plan
Production of the approved Incident Action Plan (IAP) before the start of the second operational period
* [The correct responses to Questions 1A and 1B are: Percentage of key response partners successfully contacted without using electric grid power and primary land-line telephone services and Time to re-evaluate response following approval and completion of corrective action(s) identified in an After Action Report and Improvement Plan]

Which of these is NOT a new performance measure for BP 9?

Time to issue the first risk communication message for dissemination to the public
Production of the approved Incident Action Plan before the start of the second operational period
Time to complete a draft of an After Action Report and Improvement Plan
* [The correct response to Question 2 is: Time to complete a draft of an After Action Report and Improvement Plan. That measure was also reported in BP 8. These measures are new for BP 9: Production of the approved Incident Action Plan before the start of the second operational period and Time to issue the first risk communication message for dissemination to the public]

How was the BP 8 Laboratory measure revised for BP 9?

The number of reference or clinical isolates that are reported to PulseNet has changed.
E. coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes are reported separately.
Timeframe for identifying and reporting clinical isolates to CDC’s PulseNet database was changed (e.g., within four working days of receipt)
* [The correct response to Question 3 is: E. coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes are reported separately.]

True or False: BP 9 staff notification and staff assembly performance measures focus on the notification and assembly of all eight incident management functional roles.

* [The correct response to Question 4 is: False. The BP9 notification and assembly measures involve notifying and assembling only those functional roles that are necessary.]

CDC recommends that awardees enter data on their activities into PERFORMS throughout the year and then select their best demonstration at the end of the reporting period.

How many times per year are BP 9 reports expected?

Twice a year
Once a year
* [The correct response to Question 5 is: Once a year.]

Under Incident Management, which of the following must have been unannounced AND occur after hours in order to be reported as a performance measure?

Staff Notification
Staff Assembly
Staff Notification & Staff Assembly
* [The correct response to Question 6 is: Staff Notification. While both must be unannounced, Staff Notification must occur after hours.]

True or False: The CERC performance measure tracks all public message dissemination activities during an emergency.

* [The correct answer to Question 7 is False. The CERC BP 9 performance measure focuses on disseminating the first message only.]

Which of the following are required components of an Incident Action Plan?

ICS Forms 202, 203 and 204 or their equivalent must be completed
The Incident Action Plan must be approved before the start of the second operational period.
The exercise scenario or real incident must continue over two or more operational periods.
All of the above.
* [The correct response to Question 8 is All of the Above.]

What is meant by the best demonstration?

The fastest time to complete the activity
Your best example of managing a complex situation
* [The correct response to Question 9 is Your best example of managing a complex situation.]

In identifying your “best” demonstration, which three make the strongest case for increased complexity?

  • A. Public health incident that is a threat to a large number of people.

  • B. Your agency served in a supporting role during the incident.

  • C. Most incident management functional positions were filled.

  • D. Your agency was the only jurisdiction involved in the incident.

  • E. The incident spanned five operational periods.

A, B, C
B, C, E
C, D, E
A, C, E
[The correct response to Question 10 is the fourth option: A, C, E. This combination was the most complex: A public health incident that is a threat to a large number of people, where most of the incident management functional positions were filled and which spanned five operational periods.]

Please click the "Continue" button to provide feedback on this training program.

Your input is valuable to us. Please rate your satisfaction with this training module so we can improve the PHEP Performance Measures online training program.
How satisfied are you with:
Very Dissatisfied Not Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied No Opinion
* 1. The length of time to complete this training module
* 2. The usefulness of attachments
* 3. The ease of navigating the module
* 4. The speed of presentation of the material
* 5. The level of detail covered by the content
Do you have additional feedback to improve this training module?
* The purpose of this question is to determine the reach of the training program among PHEP Awardees.

CDC provides PHEP cooperative agreement funding to 62 grantees. Which state, territory, or major metropolitan public health department are you affiliated with? (The list is in alphabetical order; metropolitan health departments appear after their respective states.)

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