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Thank you for taking the time to share your opinions. All answers will remain confidential and will be used strictly to help strengthen our organization for all our constituents.
* How have you ever been involved with the Philadelphia Singers? (Please select all that apply)
Attended a Philadelphia Singers concert(s)
Attended a Philadelphia Orchestra performance featuring the Philadelphia Singers
Donated to the organization
Volunteer or professional singer with Philadelphia Singers
Not at all

* How have you been involved with the Philadelphia Singers in the past 3 years? (Please select all that apply)
Attended a Philadelphia Singers concert(s)
Attended a Philadelphia Orchestra performance featuring the Philadelphia Singers
Donated to the organization
Volunteer or professional singer with Philadelphia Singers
Not at all

* How has your attendance at Philadelphia Orchestra performances featuring the Philadelphia Singers affected your desire to attend a Philadelphia Singers only concert?
Much more likely to attend a Philadelphia Singers only concert
More likely to attend a Philadelphia Singers only concert
No impact on the likelihood I would attend a Philadelphia Singers only concert
Less likely to attend a Philadelphia Singers only concert
Much less likely to attend a Philadelphia Singers only concert
* In the past, how have you acquired tickets for performances by or featuring The Philadelphia Singers? (Please select all that apply)
Purchased a subscription package for multiple Philadelphia Singers concerts
Purchased single Philadelphia Singers concert ticket(s)
Received as a gift
Attended as part of organized group outing
Through attendance at a Philadelphia Orchestra concert featuring The Philadelphia Singers

* When did you attend your first Philadelphia Singers performance?
Within the last year
1-3 years ago
4-6 years ago
7-9 years ago
10 or more years ago
How important are the following aspects of the Philadelphia Singers’ performances?
Not at all important



Very important
* Level of interaction with musical director or performers
* Convenience of performance venues
* Performance day of week
* Affordability of subscription prices
* Presence of musical accompaniment
* Affordability of single ticket prices
* Quality of performance venues
* Information either written or verbal about the repertoire
* Quality of the performance
* Performance time of day
* Repertoire fit to my personal tastes
* Repertoire diversity
How satisfied are you with the following aspects of the Philadelphia Singers’ performances?
Very dissatisfied



Very satisfied
* Affordability of subscription prices
* Convenience of performance venues
* Repertoire diversity
* Quality of the performance
* Overall experience
* Performance time of day
* Affordability of single ticket prices
* Quality of performance venues
* Performance day of week
* Presence of musical accompaniment
* Level of interaction with musical director or performers
* Repertoire fit to my personal tastes
* Information either written or verbal about the repertoire
* Did you attend the most recent Philadelphia Singers Concert, "Bach and Beyond", held on November 8, 2009?
* Was the "Bach and Beyond" performance the first Philadelphia Singers concert you had ever attended?
* Please briefly describe the primary reason you decided to attend the "Bach and Beyond" concert.
* How many Philadelphia Singers concerts did you attend during the last two full concert seasons (2007-2008 and 2008-2009), not including performances with the Philadelphia Orchestra?
* How many Philadelphia Orchestra concerts featuring The Philadelphia Singers did you attend in the last two full concert seasons (2007-2008 and 2008-2009)?
* How many Philadelphia Singers performances are held in an average year?
* How many of those concerts are performed without The Philadelphia Orchestra?
* What do you think is the right number of performances for the Philadelphia Singers to hold in an average year?
* When you choose to not attend a Philadelphia Singers concert (not with the Philadelphia Orchestra), what are the primary reasons? (Please select all that apply)
Day of performance was inconvenient
I attend all Philadelphia Singers concerts
I prefer to attend Philadelphia Singers performances with the Philadelphia Orchestra
Ticket prices were too high
Did not like the musical selections
Time of performance was inconvenient
Had specific scheduling conflicts
I don’t want to attend any more concerts than I already do
Venues were inconveniently located
I’m not generally interested in the Philadelphia Singers

* Why do you prefer to attend Philadelphia Singers performances that also feature the Philadelphia Orchestra?
Size of the chorus
Prefer the orchestral accompaniment
Ticket prices

* Did you purchase a subscription package for either the 2008-2009 or 2009-2010 Philadelphia Singers seasons?
* Why did you not purchase a subscription package? (Please select all that apply)
Prefer the flexibility of purchasing single tickets
Considered subscription prices to be too high
Had specific scheduling conflicts for certain performances
Was not interested in the musical program for every performance
Do not generally want to attend the entire season

* How long have you been aware of the Philadelphia Singers?
Less than a year
1-3 years
4-6 years
7-9 years
10 years or more
* How did you first hear about the Philadelphia Singers?
The Philadelphia Singers season brochure
From a chorus in which I participate
Through another organization with which the Philadelphia Singers have performed
Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter
From a friend or family member
Through Philly Fun Guide
Radio advertisement
Through the Philadelphia Orchestra
Internet search
* What was this other organization?
* What is the best way for the Philadelphia Singers to get you interested in an upcoming performance?
Through Philly Fun Guide
Through another organization with which the Philadelphia Singers have performed
Newspaper advertisement
Through the Philadelphia Orchestra
Through a friend or family member
Internet search
The Philadelphia Singers season brochure
Newspaper article
Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter
Radio advertisement
Through a chorus in which I participate
* Why have you never been involved with the Philadelphia Singers?
Times of their performances are inconvenient
Ticket prices are too high
I've always had specific scheduling conflicts
There are better choral ensembles in the area
I'm not interested in seeing a choral music performance
I don't like their musical selections
Days of their performances are inconvenient
Venues are inconveniently located
I choose to use my time to participate in other leisure activities
I had never heard of the Philadelphia Singers before today

* For which of the following other organizations have you attended an event in the last 2 years? (Please select all that apply)
The Philadelphia Orchestra
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Arden Theatre Company
Academy of Vocal Arts
Philadelphia Flower Show
Choral Arts Society of Philadelphia
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus
Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia
The Crossing
Walnut Street Theatre
Philly Pops
The Wilma Theater
Singing City
The Opera Company of Philadelphia
I have not attended an event by any cultural organizations in the last 2 years

For each of these organizations, please indicate whether you have a subscription ticket package.
How interested would you say you are in the following types of choral music?
Not at all interested



Very interested
* American Classical
* Baroque
* Contemporary Classical (New Music)
* Classical
* How many times have you attended any classical music or choral concert in the last 2 years (not including performances by or featuring the Philadelphia Singers)?
More than 6
* How would you describe the quality of a Philadelphia Singers performance compared to other choral concerts you have attended?
Much better
About the same
Much worse
How much does each of the following items have to do with why you attend performing arts events in general?
Not at all



Very much
* For the overall experience of an evening out
* For the specific artist or content of the performance
How much does each of the following items have to do with why you attend Philadelphia Singers performances specifically?
Not at all



Very much
* For the overall experience of an evening out
* For the specific artist or content of the performance
* In which of the following cultural or arts activities have you ever personally participated?
Elementary/Middle school level choral ensemble
High school level theater organization
University level choral ensemble
Volunteer community theater
High school level choral ensemble
Religious affiliated chorus
Elementary/Middle school level theater organization
Volunteer community chorus
Professional choral ensemble
University level theater organization
None of the above

For each of these activities, please indicate whether you are still currently involved.
* Which of the following cultural venues or events have you visited in the last 2 years?
Film festivals
Music festivals
Live drama/theater
Popular music at large venues
Movie theater (mainstream Hollywood films)
Literature or poetry readings
Classical music concert
Classical choral performances
Classical dance or ballet
Popular music in small spaces or clubs
Art galleries
Museums/art exhibits
Classical orchestra performances
General points of interest/historic attractions
Musical theater
National parks
Living museums (zoos, aquariums, botanic gardens)
Children’s museums
Modern dance
Walking/bus/boat tours
Movie theater (independent releases)
None of the above

* Did/do you have access to music education in school? (Please select all that apply)
Yes, in elementary/middle school
Yes, in high school
Yes, in college
Never had access to music education in school

* How knowledgeable do you consider yourself to be when it comes to classical or choral music?
Not at all




Extremely knowledgeable
* What is your gender?
Prefer not to answer
* Into which ethnic group do you classify yourself? (Please select one)
Prefer not to answer
* Into which age range do you fall?
Under 18
Prefer not to answer
* What best describes the area in which you live?
Urban (densely populated areas or neighborhoods within the city)
Suburban (less densely populated towns or neighborhoods on the edge of or within commuting distance to the city dominated by single family homes)
Rural (sparsely populated countryside)
* What county do you live in?
* Are you currently a student?
* What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Some high school or less
Graduated from high school
Some college
Graduated from college
Some graduate school
Completed graduate school or higher
Prefer not to answer
* What is your marital status?
Never married
Married/Partnered/Live with significant other
Prefer not to answer
* Do you have children?
Prefer not to answer
* How old are your children (Please select all that apply)
12 months or younger
1-3 years old
4-6 years old
7-12 years old
13-18 years old
Over 18 years old
Prefer not to answer

* Do/did your children have access to music education in school?
Children are too young for school
* Into what range does your household income fall?
Under $30,000
$30,000 - $50,000
$50,001 - $75,000
$75,001 - $100,000
$100,001 - $150,000
$150,001 - $200,000
Over $200,000
Prefer not to answer
Please enter your contact information if you wish to be included in the raffle for free tickets. Six (6) raffle winners will be chosen and will each receive two (2) tickets to a Philadelphia Singers concert. The winners will be able to choose from the December 19th performance of Christmas on Logan Square, the March 6th performance of Glass, Reich and Bryars, and the May 1st performance of Rachmaninoff Vespers. Your contact information will not be used for any other purpose or shared with any other organization.
First Name : 
Last Name : 
Address 1 : 
Address 2 : 
City : 
State : 
Zip : 
Phone : 
Email Address : 
Please select the performance for which you would like to receive tickets if your name is chosen.
Christmas on Logan Square - Saturday, December 19, 2009
Glass, Reich and Bryars - Saturday, March 6, 2010
Rachmaninoff Vespers - Saturday, May 1, 2010
Please enter your contact information if you wish to receive your free ticket. You will receive one (1) ticket to either the Philadelphia Singers Glass, Reich, Bryars performance to be held on Saturday, March 6, 2010 or the Philadelphia Singers Rachmaninoff Vespers performance to be held on May 1, 2010. Your contact information will not be used for any other purpose or shared with any other organization.
First Name : 
Last Name : 
Address 1 : 
Address 2 : 
City : 
State : 
Zip : 
Phone : 
Email Address : 
Please select the performance for which you would like to receive your ticket.
Glass, Reich and Bryars - Saturday, March 6, 2010
Rachmaninoff Vespers - Saturday, May 1, 2010
Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Please click "Finish" below to submit your responses.
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