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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* What do you identify as now?
No affiliation
* On the topic of abortion, which do you agree with the most?
Choice is a constitutional right; Should remain legalized. (Add 1)
Abortion should not be funded by gov't and be criminalized except in cases of rape/incest. (Add 2)
Gov't should stay out of the issue; abortion is a woman's choice. (Add 3)
It is a woman's choice; abortion should be covered in health care. (Add 4).
(Suggestion) Keep it how it is currently
* How do you feel about marriage equality?
There should be equal treatment under law for same-sex couples. (Add 1)
Marriage is the legal union of one man and one woman. Should be constitutionally defined this way. (Add 2)
All laws regarding marriage be repealed; It is OK to deny service to same-sex couples, and OK to boycott that decision. (Add 3)
Support equal rights on all persons on civil marriage. (Add 4).
* How do you feel about the gov'ts role in education?
Double investments in Pell Grants and offer more tax credits. (Add 1)
Shift to students from private universities community colleges and technical institutions; ensure private loans. (Add 2)
College should be made affordable by ending subsidies and mandates. (Add 3).
The gov't should implement national loan forgiveness and make tuition lower. (Add 4)
* How do you feel about gun control?
The right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation. (Add 1)
Right to bear arms should be protected and not changed at all;ammunition can be obtain and stored without registration. (Add 2)
Gun control laws should be repealed; it is an individual right. (Add 3)
Restrict uses of certain weapons; eliminate certain loopholes. (Add 4)
* How do you feel about tax reform?
Taxes should be cut for the working family, but not for the rich. (Add 1)
No tax increase should occur. (Add 2)
The income tax should be repealed and IRS should be abolished. (Add 3)
Shift taxes from the individuals to corporations and wealthy. (Add 4)
* Tally up your points. Based on your points, choose the party you most align with.
5-8: Democratic
13-16; Libertarian
* Are you pleased with your result? Learn more about each party at
* Leave a comment about the reason why you answered the above question the way you did.