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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
What motivates you to pursue this business? Why are you in this business?
10pts I'm passionate about this business because of the huge market gap and the opportunity to fill it -- I am very clear about the key elements required to win in this market.
9pts I'm passionate about this business because of my specific, relevant expertise -- and quite clear about how to solve the problem this market cares about.
8pts I'm passionate about the market in a very personal way -- this problem has affected me or those I care deeply about. I am exactly the right person to bring the right elements together to build the right solution.
7pts I'm very passionate about the meeting this market need, but quite realistic about the effort required and the response of the market.
5pts I am excited and energized as I build this business because I've got this thing nailed. I have a clear understanding about the market forces and required actions to win. For the plan to work you have to work the plan.
3pts The team embraced the problem and is solving it, but shows signs of unrealistic expectations of the work required and the ease of action. That's why the need a strong leader like me -- I have the experience to guide them past the rough edges to polish the solution.
1pts This really is an avocation or lifestyle business for the me. I know I can build a profitable business and give investors a return, but I have no illusions about exiting via IPO or acquisition for big dollars...although that might be nice for my retirement :-)
1pts I absolutely want to solve this problem, but it is early days and I don't know enough about what it will take to win in the market.
0pts This is the absolute best opportunity for me to pursue considering all of my other options.
* What is the brief history of your team, the company and any predecessor companies? (NOTE: we'll ask about each team member's details separately.)
What is the team's total years of experience with:
0-2 2-4 4-6 6-8 8+
Each Other
Problem Domain
Starting/Running Business
Optional Question Type for Team-2.1
Please list your top core team members (founders and indispensable staff)
Name & TitleYrs of Problem Domain ExperienceYrs of Startup ExperienceYrs of Experience with Team MembersPerformance Rating[,]
1 Develop Product
2 Sell Product
3 Deploy Product
4 Support Product
5 Support Company
What have been some of the key decision points or calculated risks you have made to get you to this stage? For example, how did the co-founders pick each other? When was your first pivot and why? What are the elements and considerations of your decision process?
Do you anticipate having to change course down the road? If so, what would need to change and how?
Enter # of:
Current Employees
Total Needed Employees
Committed Employees upon Funding
Current Needed Committed
Develop Product (design, manufacture, test)
Sell Product (marketing, sales, channels)
Deploy Product
Support Product
Support Company
Develop Product Staff - the teams that make your product. Enter # of: Current, Total Needed and Committed to join after funding.
Current Needed Committed
Sell Product Staff - the teams that sell your product to customers. Enter # of: Current, Total Needed and Committed to join after funding.
Current Needed Committed
Enter # of: Current, Total Needed and Committed to join after funding.

Current Needed Committed
Customer Sat.