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This is a sample survey to help us focus on 'calls' to action for the Pirate Party of Canada.

People on the copy list for the leadership have been asked to complete a survey that asks questions about their experience with the party. It will take just a few minutes to complete the survey.

Typically, survey responses would be strictly confidential and data would be reported only in the aggregate. In this test, due to the limited number of respondents and the nature of the survey some information may be shared with all participants.

Start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

How long have you been a member?
Less than 6 months
6 months to less than a year
1 year to less than 2 years
2 years to less than 5 years
5 or more years
When you hear our Party's name, what main idea comes to mind (something we stand for)?
What is it that makes us unique from other Parties?
What is your main interest in the Party?
Compared with competitors, where do we rank with respect to this focus?
Much worse than competitors Somewhat worse than competitors The same as competitors Somewhat better than competitors Much better than competitors
If we aren't much better than other Parties, who is #1 and why?
What do you want or need most from your Party?
Is there an unaddressed need that we should focus on? If Yes, what is it?
If you have not signed up as a member or have not donated recently, won't you consider making a small donation here: [Contribute] We value any comments you might have to improve:
Party Party of Canada Sample Survey