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Help us build a picture of reconciliations processing management in African financial institutions today.

You are invited to complete the following survey and qualify for a free consultation from a Broadridge expert.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only within Broadridge.

Thank you very much for your time. Please start the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Which types of reconciliations processing take place in your organisation? Tick all that apply.
System to system
Cash positions
Card processing
Point of sale
Internet banking
Money transfer
Suspense accounts
Trade confirmation
Client records

For the types you have indicated above, how do you achieve these reconciliations? Tick all that apply.
Not done
As and when required
Manual processing (spreadsheets, documents, etc)
Automated solution

If 'Automated solution' selected, please specify:
How comfortable would you feel if required to report to auditors tomorrow?
Confident - current processes could cope
OK - but this would be a lot of pressure
Anxious - we would find this very difficult
How satisfied are you with your current reconciliation processing capabilities?
Very satisfied
Needs improvement
What changes do you see happening within your reconciliations processing in the next 2 years? Tick all that apply.
Volumes increasing
Volumes decreasing
Expansion of reconciliation types
Requirements becoming more complex
Higher scrutiny from auditors/regulators
Automation processes improving
Utilisation of outsourcing

Thank you for completing this survey.

Upon submission, you will qualify for a tailored consultation to give your reconciliation processing a complete healthcheck and examine potential ways to optimise your reconciliation processing efficiency.

Please complete the details below
Name and organisation
Email address