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SECTION 1: Board Structure
To determine whether the structure of the board of directors should be reorganized, we need to ask your thoughts about how the league and board are organized and how decisions are made.
Packs -- The pack system was thoughtfully and carefully established to serve a number of purposes. On a scale of 1-5, please rate how well you think the packs serve these purposes.
1 (Not at all) 2 (A little/it's happened/it's happened but it's a bad thing) 3 (It happens occasionally/it happens, but doesn't help the league) 4 (Most of the time it works fine) 5 (Usually/it works great)
* Gives everyone a voice in decision-making (dilutes authority)
* Develops leaders within the league
* Provides a forum for facilitating friendships across levels/teams/tenures (lets people get to know people they don't always see)
* Assists in communication to and from the board and to and from the league
* Provides a mid-level skater rep that members can go to in addition to the league skater rep
Do you like the pack system?
Yes, it’s a great method to serve these good purposes for good league governance.
Yes, it’s not perfect in practice, but in theory it’s good, and we should fine tune it to make it run more smoothly.
Eh, it’s ok. It’s good in theory but it’s just slow and cumbersome for effective league governance.
The pros outweigh the cons, but it needs serious work.
In theory yes, in practice no. The cons outweigh the pros. There has to be a better way.
No. I hate the pack system. We should just have individual votes, quickly, on more things.
Let's say we get rid of the packs altogether. What should the board look like? (Check all that apply).
Officers (co-directors, secretary, finance director, skater rep) only with decision-making authority. League decisions are made by majority vote of the whole league; the BOD makes only management decisions.
The BOD is made up of Officers and Committee Heads, but CHs are advisory only, no decision-making authority (at a board level. CHs still can make decisions as appropriate for their committee.).
Officers and committee heads with decision-making authority, league votes individually on all significant issues.
Officers and some committee heads, if certain committees were consolidated with one Director overseeing them (For example, the Finance Director could oversee Sponsorship and Fundraising. Only the Finance Director would have a board seat.)
Officers and team captains or team rep.
Officers and team captains/rep and committee heads
Officers and team captains/rep and some committee heads
Officers and team captains/rep some committee heads and a ref/nso rep.
The BOD should be no more than 5 people.
The BOD should be no more than 10 people.
There should be no size limit – it needs to be as big or small as what works.

We also chose to govern by consensus, which we try to do at a board, pack and league level. How well do you think the decision-making by consensus works for our league?
1 - Not at all
2 - It's not great, but it could be worse
3 - It's fine
4 - I like it, it's worth any difficulty
5 - It's awesome and sets us apart!
In your opinion... (Please check all that apply)
All decisions should be made by consensus of the league.
Management decisions should be made by the board, but big decisions should be made by the league, by majority vote or consensus.
The league should vote on only those things that affect the league such as new members, changes in dues, large expenditures of money, changes to the bylaws, election of officers and committee heads.
The league should vote on everything – whether and when to have events, changes to practice times, leaves of absences, everything.
The board has too much authority. Things happen too much without the league being aware.
The board doesn’t have enough authority. Things are too slow because too much goes to the packs/league for input/consensus.
We should have more, perhaps regular, league meetings to inform us and get input - on a monthly basis.
We should have more, perhaps regular, league meetings to inform us and get input - on a quarterly basis.
We should have more, perhaps regular, league meetings to inform us and get input - on a bimonthly basis.
I know that BOD meetings are open to the whole league.
League meetings should be more official – use Robert’s rules of order or other guidelines to facilitate the meetings.
BOD meetings should be more official – use Robert’s rules of order or other guidelines to facilitate the meetings.

SECTION 2: Roles & Responsibilities
Please answer 1-4 regarding the duties of the co-directors (either one).
1 - One or both co-directors do this 2 - I wish one or both co-directors did this 3 - I wish one or both co-directors did not do this 4 - I have no idea if one or both co-directors do this
Supervises and manages the business side of the league.
Presides at league meetings and board meetings.
Conducts the routine business of the league.
Is responsible for all legal aspects of CMD operation.
Supervises and oversees management of the league generally.
Does not have any super control over the league or the board. She's part of everyone else.
Votes like everyone else through the packs on league issues.