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Satisfaction Survey - Cupasa

Cupasa Feedback Questionnaire
Exit Survey
In order to provide the best possible service to you, I would like to know how I can improve the conversation classes so they satisfy your particular requirements and help you achieve your communications objectives.

I am very open to receiving feedback in person, so please do not hesitate to talk to me directly. However, sometimes people feel more comfortable doing this anonymously and/or indirectly (through questionnaires such as this, for example). As this implies, you have the choice here to leave your name so I can respond personally or just leave anonymous opinion and comments. Please be as honest as possible, even if you have a criticism to make (if this is the case please provide as much detail as possible and suggestions on how I can do things better).

Together we can make these the most constructive language acquisition sessions you have ever had! So I invite you to join me in taking responsibility for our results and to complete this feedback survey (or talk to me) on a regular basis so we can continually improve and air any issues or suggestions you have as soon as possible.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start the short survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

* How satisfied are you generally with the classes?
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
How well are the classes meeting the communications objectives you specificied in the starting questionnaire? Please rate the following areas where 1 star=not at all and 5 stars=perfectly:
Your sales pitch
Meeting visitors
Presentations/public speaking
Telephone calls
If you didn't answer "very satisfied" to the first question or if any of the above are not five stars, what can I do to improve the classes and help you achieve your communications objectives better?
If you have any other concerns or suggestions, please tell me and if appropriate/possible, tell me what you would like me to do.
Please rate the following: Click for a note about speech
* Explanations (vocab/expressions/grammar)
* Clarity of speech (volume/articulation during explanations - see help)
* Moderation of conversations: ensuring everyone has a chance to speak
* Correction: balance between nurturing fluency and increasing accuracy
* Discussion length (individual topics)
* Topics: vocabulary/expressions learnt
* Skills practice: quality/effectiveness of skills-related activities (e.g. presentations)
We have brainstormed topics for discussion, but do you have any other ideas?
* How easily are you able to understand me during natural speech (i.e. during conversation, not explanations)? (This refers to your ear/understanding, as implied in the help for the last question, not how I speak, so will improve over time.)
Help! I can't understand a word you're saying!
Some words but it's difficult...
I get the general idea but often not the detail
I understand most and just miss the occasional thing
Very well, you can start using more slang and speaking in other accents...!
* How often do you have exposure to English outside the group (through reading, watching TV/films, listening to music, etc)? Select the most appropriate or add your own.
Once or twice a week
Several times a week
Every day
If you would like a personal response, please give me your name (optional)
First Name : 
Last Name : 
All responses will be anonymous unless you choose to give your name so I can respond personally to you. You can take the survey as many times as you want so make the most of it!