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Dear visitor,  Singapore Botanic Gardens (SBG) has recently launched an iphone app, called SBG navigator, to help visitors like you with way finding in the gardens. This is a short survey on the adoption and usefulness of the app. We hope you can help us to improve the app by completing this survey! Thank you!
Age group: 
10-14 years (consent sought and given: Yes/No by Father/mother/ guardian please indicate__________
15-19 years
20-29 years
30-39 years
40-49 years
50-59 years
60 years and above
How often have you visited Singapore Botanic Gardens in the past 12 months
A few times a week
Once a week
2-3 times a month
Once a month
Once in three months
Once in six months
Once a year/ first time visiting today
what type of mobile phone do you use?
Android smartphone
Other smartphone (e.g. windows phone)
Basic/ feature phone (does not require installation of third party apps/software)
If first three options go to Q4/ If not go to Q13
Have you heard of the Singapore Botanic Gardens Navigator App?
How did you first know about the app? (Applicable if answer to Q4 is Yes)
Internet (Social media- facebook)
Internet (Others), e.g. websites and blogs
Informed while visiting the gardens (e.g. by SBG staff or poster displays)
Heard from friends/colleagues
Newspaper, radio and other mainstream media
Other please indicate______________
Q6) Have you downloaded the SBG navigator app before? (Applicable if answer to Q3 is a) if not proceed to Q13)
If your answer to Q6 is "No", what are your reasons for not downloading the app? please select all applicable options
I am an android smartphone user
Did not see the need for it
The app does not interest me
I am not familiar with App store/ do not usually download apps
I use the phone for calls and messaging only
Others please indicate_________

Q8) How many times have you used the app in the last three months? Please select one option 
More than 10 times
10 times or less
5 times or less
If answer to Q8 is Nil, what are your reasons for not using the app? please select all applicable options
Did not see the need to use it , e.g. , you are already familiar with the places in SBG you visited.
Did not visit the gardens.
Forgot to use it
Others please indicate___________

Was the SBG navigator app helpful for your visits to Singapore Botanic Gardens?
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