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Rate how helpful this class is at helping you be successful in your Algebra class.
Not Helpful at All Somewhat Helpful Very Helpful
Rate how much you agree/disagree with this sentence:
Mrs. Moon helps me understand what I learn in my regular algebra class.
Completely Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Completely Agree
Rate how much you agree/disagree with the following sentence:
The way Mrs. Moon explains topics helps me understand the topics covered in my Algebra class.
Completely Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Completely Agree
Rate how much you agree/disagree with the following sentence:
The activities in this class help me practice and understand the topics covered in Algebra.
Completely Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Completely Agree
Rate how often you participate in class discussions and activities.
Never Almost Never Sometimes Almost Always Always
What grade do you think you deserve in this class?
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