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What is your current name & maiden name (if applicable)?
What is your current email address? (We promise we will not spam you! This is for reunion updates only)
What is your permanent mailing address? (So we can invite you to the reunion!)
What is your current occupation?
If you went to school after Seneca (college, grad school, trade school, etc), where did you go and what degrees/certifications did you earn?
Since graduating from Seneca, what are some of the cool things you've done? Please feel free to include both life accomplishments and/or interesting things you've done (example: went skydiving).
What is your current "life status"?
Sexy Single
Prefer not to say
If you have kids and/or pets, please tell us about them! (names, ages, etc)
(Yes, we know it's morbid to ask, but we have to in order to try and locate everyone...) Do you know of any of our classmates who have passed away? If you do, please indicate whom.
Would you consider coming to a one-day reunion next fall?
Have to think about it
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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