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Skills and Training in the Health Care and Social Assistance Industry
1. Please select the box that most closely reflects the approximate number of employees your organisation has:
q I am a sole trader
2. Over the next 12 months, how many staff do you expect your organisation to employ compared to now? (Please select one option only)
q More workers than now
3. Did you have any staff vacancies that you found hard to fill or were unable to fill during the past 12 months? Hard to fill vacancies are those that employers struggle to fill.
Unable to Fill
Hard to Fill
4. FILTER QUESTION FROM Q3 How have these hard to fill vacancies in your organisation come about? (please select all that apply)
q Experienced staff have or are about to retire
6. What are the main causes of having a hard to fill vacancy for the occupations you have specified as being hard to fill or could not fill? (please select all that apply)
q Lack of work experience the organisation requires
7. FILTER QUESTION FROM Q5 FOR EACH OCCUPTION Do you expect to experience recruitment difficulties in this occupation in the next two years?
8. What was the approximate level of staff turnover in your organisation in the last 12 months?
q None
9. Has your organisation been affected by changing regulatory requirements or licensing?
q Yes
11. FILTER QUESTION FROM Q3 Thinking about applicants to job vacancies in the past 12 months, have you found any of the following skills in need of improvement? (please select all that apply)
q Numeracy skills – skills required to manage and respond to mathematical demands in the workplace
12. Thinking about your existing workforce, have you found any of the following skills in need of improvement? (please select all that apply)
q Numeracy skills – skills required to manage and respond to mathematical demands in the workplace
14. What, if anything, is your organisation doing to overcome the recruitment difficulties and skills gaps that you are experiencing? THIS QUESETION PROBABLY NEEDS TO ADDRESS INTERNAL SKILLS GAPS
q Increasing salaries/providing incentives
15. At what level do you rate the risk of a shortage in the availability of appropriately skilled workers to the effective operation of your business in the next two years?
q Extreme risk
19. How likely are you to use a Vocational Education Training provider in the next year to improve the skills/qualifications of your workforce?
Not at all likely
20. Which, if any, do you consider to be barriers to staff training? (please select all that apply)
Cost of external training
23. Which of the following describes your organisation and the type of work that you do? THESE ARE MY GUESSES – ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS?
q Indigenous Health Organisation
25. Would you like someone to contact you to speak in more detail on your skills and training needs?
Yes No
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26. Would you be willing to participate in any follow-up research with regards to your organisation’s skills and training needs?
Phone number
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