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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* What gender is your student?
* In the fall of 2017, in which grade will your student be enrolled?
In which environments does your student currently participate at school?
* mainstreamed in gen ed classes
* gen ed classes with resource support
* mainstreamed w/o support for electives
* para / peer support for electives
* extended resource room or staff only
* If there was a local social group for teens with ASD, learning disabilities, special needs, or other medical issues, would your teen be interested?
To what degree would your teen enjoy the following types of activities in a social hangout environment?
Not at all Not typically Neutral Somewhat interested Very interested
TV or movies
cards or board games
video games
arts and crafts
casual sports / exercise
air hockey, pool, etc
legos or other building activities
music / dancing
How often would your teen attend a Social Hangout?
1x/ month in the summer
1x/ month during school year
2x/ month in the summer
2x/ month during school year
1x/ week in the summer
1x/ week during school year
2x/ week in the summer
2x/ week during school year
Not interested in summer programming
Not interested in programming during school year

What would be your teen's availability for the Social Hangout?
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri N/A
Summer 9:00-11:00 AM
Summer 3:00-5:00 PM
Summer 6:30-8:30 PM
School year 2:30-4:30 PM
School year 6:00-8:00 PM
What would be a reasonable cost?
1 2-hour session
1 5-session package
In which ways would you be willing to volunteer to make this program a success?
planning an activity for the session
participating on a committee
providing snacks or supplies
chaperoning sessions on a rotational schedule
sorry, I cannot volunteer in any way
Other (please specify)

Questions &/or suggestions...
I'm interested in learning more.