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You are invited to participate in our survey. It will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete the questionnaire. We will use statistical methods to determine the seriousness with which you answer the questions.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate.

If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Dr. John M. Pearson at 618-453-7802 or by email at [email protected].

This is a long survey so thank you very much for your time and support.

This project has been reviewed and approved by the SIUC Human Subjects Committee. Questions concerning your rights as a participant in this research may be addressed to the Committee Chairperson, Office of Research Development and Administration, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901-4709. Phone (618)- 453-4533. E-mail [email protected].

Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

The following statements pertain to your attitude toward unauthorized copying of software. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with each statement.

* I consider unauthorized copying of computer software as unethical.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* I consider unauthorized copying of computer software to be the same as stealing.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* I consider unauthorized copying of computer software acceptable behavior.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* It is ethical to share computer software with others.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* People who use or share unauthorized computer software should feel guilty.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* It is unethical to install unauthorized software onto ones' computer even for a limited time.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
The following statements pertain to the opinion of important others with regard to unauthorized copying of software. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with each statement.
* Most people who are important to me would oppose my using an unauthorized copy of software rather than a legally authorized one.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Most people who are important to me want me to legally buy software I need rather than copying it illegally.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* People who are important to me demand and encourage me to use legally authorized software rather than using unauthorized copies.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Most people who are important to me would look down on me if they knew I use illegally copied software.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Most people who are important to me do not care if I used unauthorized copies of computer software.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Most people like me use unauthorized copies of computer software.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Most people who are important to me use unauthorized copies of computer software.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Most people of value to me use unauthorized copies of computer software.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Most people in my life whose opinions I value use unauthorized copies of computer software.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
Below is a series of general statements about the way an individual may believe or behave in his / her life. Please indicate the place on the scale that reflects your behaviors or beliefs.
* In the last twelve months, how often did you attend religious services?

Never Rarely Sometimes Half the time Often Very often Always
* In the last twelve months, how often did you read religous material?

Never Rarely Sometimes Half the time Often Very often Always
* In the last twelve months, how often did you listen to religous programs on radio or TV?

Never Rarely Sometimes Half the time Often Very often Always
* Religion is a very important part of my life.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Following God's commandments is important to me.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* In times of personal trouble, I turn to religion for guidelines.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* After I do something wrong, I fear God's punishment.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* People who are evil in this world will eventually suffer in Hell.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* God really exists and He is active in peoples' lives.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* God knows everything a person does wrong.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* In the end, God punishes all those who have sinned.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* There is life after death.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
Your answer to the following seven statements depends on the degree to which you see each statement as descriptive of you. Please use the provided scale to indicate the level that each statement describes you.
* I'm concerned about my style of doing things.

Extremely uncharacteristic Moderately uncharacteristic Slightly uncharacteristic Neither Slightly characteristic Moderately characteristic Extremely characteristic
* I'm concerned about the way I present myself.

Extremely uncharacteristic Moderately uncharacteristic Slightly uncharacteristic Neither Slightly characteristic Moderately characteristic Extremely characteristic
* I'm self-concious about the way I look.

Extremely uncharacteristic Moderately uncharacteristic Slightly uncharacteristic Neither Slightly characteristic Moderately characteristic Extremely characteristic
* I'm usually worried about making a good impression.

Extremely uncharacteristic Moderately uncharacteristic Slightly uncharacteristic Neither Slightly characteristic Moderately characteristic Extremely characteristic
* One of the last things I do before I leave my house is look in the mirror.

Extremely uncharacteristic Moderately uncharacteristic Slightly uncharacteristic Neither Slightly characteristic Moderately characteristic Extremely characteristic
* I'm concerned about what other people think of me.

Extremely uncharacteristic Moderately uncharacteristic Slightly uncharacteristic Neither Slightly characteristic Moderately characteristic Extremely characteristic
* I'm usually aware of my appearance.

Extremely uncharacteristic Moderately uncharacteristic Slightly uncharacteristic Neither Slightly characteristic Moderately characteristic Extremely characteristic
Please read each of the following statements and then indicate your level of agreement or disagreement by clicking the appropriate bubble on the provided scale.
* A person should make certain that their actions never intentionally harm another even to a small degree.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Risks to another should never be tolerated, irrespective of how small the risks might be.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* The existence of potential harm to others is always wrong, irrepstective of the benefits to be gained.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* One should never psychologically or physically harm another person.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* One should not perform an action which might in any way threaten the dignity and welfare of another individual.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* If an action could harm an innocent other, then it should not be done.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Deciding whether or not to perform an act by balancing the positive consequences of the act against the negative consequences of the act is immoral.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* The dignity and wlefare of people should be the most important concern in any society.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* It is never necessary to sacrafice the welfare of others.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Moral actions are those which closely match ideals of the most "perfect" action.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* There are no ethical principles that are so important that they should be a part of any code of ethics.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* What is ethical varies from one situation and society to another.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Moral standards should be seen as being individualistic; what one person considers to be moral may be judged to be immoral by another person.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Different types of moralities cannot be compared to "rightness".

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Questions of what is ethical for everyone can never be resolved since what is moral or immoral is up to the individual.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Moral standards are simply personal rules which indicate how a person should behave, and are not to be applied in making judgements of others.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Ethical considerations in interpersonal relations are so complex that individuals should be allowed to formulate their own individual codes.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Rigidly codifying an ethical position that prevents certain types of actions could stand in the way of better human relations and adjustment.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* No rule concerning lying can be formulated; whether a lie is permissable or not permissable totally depends upon the situation.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
* Whether a lie is judged to be moral or immoral depends upon the circumstances surrounding the action.

Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Slightly disagree Neither Slightly agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
Please carefull read the following scenario and answer the related questions.

Devon, an undergraduate student at a public university, is now working on his graduation project. He is working night and day to catch up and finish his project by the deadline, a week from know. He contacted his professor to extend the deadline but the professor refused to give extra time. This made him very upset because missing the deadline means he will spend one more semester, and due to some financial and family problems he could not afford one more semester at the university. He just recently read in a scientific magazing about some statistical software that would save him a lot of effort and time. At the same time, he knew that his friend has this software. Though Devon has the money to buy the software, he thought: "since my family has very severe financial difficulties I could save the money to help pay the family bills if my friend allowed me to make a copy of the software". He contacted his friend and asked to make a copy of the software. His friend brought his attention to the fact that his license does not allow him to do this, and it is illegal to make a copy without authorization from the publisher. Devon replied that this is the first time he asked a favor from his best friend and he did not expect a refusal.

* If you were in Devon's friend's position, the probability of you accepting Devon's request is

Extremely unlikely Very unlikely Somewhat unlikely Equally likely/unlikely Somewhat likely Very likely Extremely likely
* Think about a close friend who is very similar to you. What would you think the probability that this friend would accept Devon's request if he were in Devon's friend's position?

Extremely unlikely Very unlikely Somewhat unlikely Equally likely / unlikely Somewhat likely Very likely Extremely likely
* Assume that the actor in this scenario (the friend) has accepted Devon's request. The probability that you would approve of his decision is

Extremely unlikely Very unlikely Somewhat unlikely Equally likely / unlikely Somewhat likely Very likely Extremely likely
* Pretend that Devon's friend had asked you to give him advice about how he should respond to Devon's request. The probability of you advising him to respond positively and let Devon make a copy of the software is

Extremely unlikely Very unlikely Somewhat unlikely Equally likely / unlikely Somewhat likely Very likely Extremely likely
* If you were in Devon's position, the probability that you would ask the "friend" to make a copy of his software rather than legally buy a copy of the software is

Extremely unlikely Very unlikely Somewhat unlikely Equally likely / unlikely Somewhat likely Very likely Extremely likely
Please read each of the following statements and then indicate the level that each statement describes you by checking the bubble on the provided scale.
* I often act on the spur of the moment without stopping to think.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I don't devote much thought and effort to preparing for the future.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I often do whatever brings me pleasure here and now, even at the cost of some distant goal.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I'm more concerned with what happens to me in the short run than in the long run.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I frequently try to avoid projects that I know will be difficult.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* When things get complicated, I tend to quit or withdraw.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* The things in life that are easiest to do bring me the most pleasure.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I dislike really hard tasks that stretch my abilities to the limit.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I like to test myself every now and then by doing something a little risky.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* Sometimes I will take a risk just for the fun of it.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I sometimes find it exciting to do things for which I might get in trouble.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* Excitement and adventure are more important to me than security.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* If I had a choice, I would almost always rather do something physical than something mental.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I almost always feel better when I am on the move rather than when I am sitting and thinking.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I like to get out and do things more than I like to read or contemplate ideas.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I seem to have more energy and a greater need for activity than most other people my age.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I try to look out for myself first, even if it means making things difficult for other people.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I'm not very sympathetic to other people when they are having problems.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* If things I do upset people, it's their problem not mine.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I will try to get the things I want even when I know it's causing problems for other people.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I lose my temper pretty easily.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* Often, when I'm angry at people, I feel more like hurting them than talking to them about why I'm angry.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* When I'm really angry, other people better stay away from me.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* When I have a serious disagreement with someone, it's usually hard for me to talk calmly about it without getting upset.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
The following questions are related to your ability to engage in unauthorized copying of computer software. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with each statement.
* I have complete control of making unauthorized software copies.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* For me to make unauthorized software copies is easy.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* If I want to, I could easily make unauthorized software copies.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* Technically, I am capable of making unauthorized software copies.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* It is mostly up to me to make unauthorized copies of software.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I am certain that I can make unauthorized software copies.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* There is a lot that I can do to be sure of making unauthorized copies of software.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I believe I have the ability to make unauthorized copies of software.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I have the resources necessary to make unauthorized copies of software.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* Making unauthorized copies of software is beyond my control.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
Below are a number of statements that measure a variety of feelings, thoughts, and actions in various situations. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with each statement.
* I have respect for the authority figure with whom I interact.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* It is important for me to maintain harmony within my group.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* My happiness depends on the happiness of those around me.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I would offer my seat in a bus to my professor.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I will sacrifice my self-interest for the benefit of the group I am in.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I respect people who are modest about themselves.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I often have the feeling that my relationships with others are more important than my own accomplishments.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I should take into consideration my parents' advice when making education / career plans.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* It is important to me to respect decisions made by the group.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I will stay in a group if they need me, even when I'm not happy with the group.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* If my brother or sister fails, I feel responsible.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* Even when I strongly disagree with a group member, I will avoid an argument.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I'd rather say "No" directly, than risk being misunderstood.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* Speaking up during a class is not a problem for me.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* Having a lively imagination is important to me.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I am comfortable with being singled out for praise or reward.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I am the same person at home that I am at school.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* Being able to take care of myself is a primary concern for me.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I act the same way no matter who I am with.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I feel comfortable using someone's first name soon after I meet them, even when they are much older than I am.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I prefer to be direct and forthright when dealing with people I've just met.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I enjoy being unique and different from others in many respects.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* My personal identity, independent of others, is very important to me.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
* I value being in good health above everything else.

Strongly agree Moderately agree Slightly agree Neither Slightly disagree Moderately disagree Strongly disagree
Please provide us with the following information about yourself.
* What is your gender?

Male Female
* What is your academic level?
* What is your age?
* What is your major?
* What is your GPA?
* What is your name? This will be removed immediately after extra credit has been assigned. Failure to provide name will result in no extra credit being awarded.
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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