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How was your experience with Solstas Lab charges?
Charges were in-line with services
Over Charged
Under Charged
Crazy Over Charged
Don't care
Did you try to get the over charges fixed at Solstas Lab Partners?
If you tried Solstas Lab to fix your account did you have any success talking sense to them?
Solstas Lab Partners has been over charging a lot of customers on their basic medical/blood testing. It is about time that customer unite and stop them from over charging on medical testing both to the customers and to their medical insurances. Please, take a moment and fill out the following survey to provide your feedback on Solstas Lab Partner's business practice. This would help all of us who have been paying thousands of dollars or ended up having collection on their credit for basic blood tests where Solstas Lab tried to charge a thousand dollar for services available for less than $100.
Your support would be appreciated.
Have you ever used Solstas Lab Partners services?
How was your experience with Solstas Lab service?
don't care
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