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Stress Management is an important part of maintaining ones health. When one is in distress for long periods of time, this can affect the way our cells function, our mood, and ultimately, it can put us in a state of constant damage to our body. While some stress called eustress help us to thrive, the bad stressors work against us. For this reason, it is important to embrace the good and learn strategies to minimize the effects of the bad.

Poor stress management has been reported to be a contributor of heart disease, cancer, memory loss, depression, metabolic disease, and the list continues. If you have chronic stress, the best way to deal with it is to take care of the underlying problem. Counseling can help you find ways to relax and calm down. Prescribed and herbal medicines may also be helpful.

This survey is intended to help you identify your relative risk of developing disease due to chronic stress. While this test is not meant to replace an assessment from your doctor, it can give you an idea of whether your level of stress may be impacting your health, and to what degree. More importantly, after completing this quick 10 minute self test, you'll be given information explaining how stress affects health, and important resources for creating a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.
Do you find yourself 'eating emotionally': eating unhealthy foods or eating when you’re not hungry, as a response to stress or difficult feelings?
No, I eat a healthy diet, and only eat when hungry.
I admit I've binged on the occasional Hagen Daz, but it's not a regular occurrence.
Yes, I have to admit that my diet is pretty unhealthy.
Do you ever have trouble sleeping?
Rarely or never.
Sometimes I'll have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting quality sleep.
Yes, I pretty often have trouble with sleep quality, or with falling and staying asleep.
Are you experiencing any digestive problems, such as indigestion, IBS, or ulcers?
I get the occasional stress-related stomach ache, but nothing too regular.
Yes, I'm experiencing pretty regular digestive problems.
Are you suffering from burnout, anxiety disorders or depression?
I don’t know.
How often do you conduct surveys?
Yes. My friends and family help a lot with stress.
Somewhat. I have a few close relationships and can talk to people if something's really bothering me, but don't have as much time for relationships as I'd like.
No, I have few close friends or supportive family ties, or I don't have time to devote to the people I could be close with
Are you getting regular exercise?
Yes. I lead an active lifestyle and exercise at least three times per week.
Sort of. I get some exercise throughout the day, or I go to the gym a couple times a week.
No. I live a sedentary lifestyle and don't go to the gym regularly.
Do you find yourself smoking and/or drinking to excess as a way to deal with stress?
I do one of those things, but it's not a big problem for me.
Yes, and to be honest, I know it can't be good for me.
Are you having trouble maintaining a healthy weight? Or, are you carrying excessive abdominal fat?
No, I'm within 10 pounds of my 'ideal' weight.
To a degree. I struggle with diet like many people, but it's not too much of a problem.
Yes: I've put on much more weight than I'm comfortable with / I can't keep weight on / My problem area is my abdomen.
Do you have a feeling that stress may be affecting your health?
Not really. I'm just taking this test for fun.
Possibly. I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be shocked if it were true.
Yes. In fact, I'd be surprised if stress WEREN'T affecting my health.