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The following survey is intended to provide information about you as an individual and as a student. I am interested in getting to know you and will use the data collected here to fine tune this course to meet the needs of students.  Answer each prompt honestly, and to the best of your ability and submit it by the due date.  
* I am currently enrolled in the ______________________ program.
* Provide a brief personal introduction. Include places you have travelled, family members, favorite activities and anything of interest you'd like to share!
* In 2-3 sentences explain why you want to teach...
* Rate the following items in the order of your interest from most (rated as 1) to least (10). 
Drag your choices here to rank them
    Rank order the following based on what you would like to teach, with 1 representing most like and 6 least like. 
    Drag your choices here to rank them
      How much do you agree with the dollowing statemens?
      Strongly Agree (100%)

 Agree (>50%) 
Disagree (<50%)
 Strongly Disagree (0%)
      It is difficult for me to pay attention in class.
      it is difficult for me to listen and take notes.

      I take notes during lecture.

      I like to interact during class. 

      I am fidgety and need to move during class.
      I have a hard time starting an assignment
      It is difficult for me to work in groups.
      It is difficult for me to ask for help, even when I need it.
      I can identify when I am having problems in class and take steps to correct it.
      I know what questions to ask the teacher when I need help.
      Strongly Agree (100%)

 Agree (>50%) 
Disagree (<50%)
 Strongly Disagree (0%)
      I have a hard time finishing my work on time.
      I know how to study.

      I read directions carefully and follow them.

      I understand the purpose of a syllabus how to use it.

      I learn best by reading.

      I learn best by writing.
      I learn best by listening.
      I learn best by talking.
      I learn best by doing.
      I feel prepared to successfully complete the edTPA.
      * Complete the following sentence, and provide a short explanation.
When thinking about the edTPA, I still need help with...
      * Explain why you would prefer to teach the content that you ranked as #1 in response to item 5.
      * What is your favorite place and why?