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You are invited to participate in our student performance survey. In this survey, 450 students will be asked to complete questions about improvements in their performance. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Their survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Their information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Laila or Stephanie.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

How would you best describe your organizational skills?
Amazing, no improvement needed
Good, maybe a little room for improvement
Ok, I need work in some areas
Needs Improvement, I need help to remember things
I am late or absent....
I follow my teacher's directions
When I work on classwork, which best describes me...
I need a lot of help to start and continue working.
I need some reminders to start and continue working.
I just need help to start working.
I don't need any help to start or continue working.
When I do my classwork it usually looks...
Hard to read, messy, with a lot of mistakes.
A little messy with a few mistakes.
Easy to read with no mistakes.
I turn in my homework....
When I work in a team I....
Participate and work well with my classmates
Need help from my classmates to know what needs to be done
Contribute a little
Do not work well with my classmates
When I have a problem I....
Solve the problem effectively without help
Talk with the teacher, friends, or my parents about how to solve the problem
Cannot solve the problem without help from somebody else
How do you feel about school?
I enjoy being at school, rarely get into trouble and get good grades
I enjoy being at school most of the time, I get into trouble once in a while and my grades are ok
I enjoy being at school sometimes, I get into trouble a lot and my grades are not very good
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