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Success Journal Ruth Czerniak

Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
To succeed in life it's important that you keep the score. How can you improve if you don't know what you did? We're providing you this daily reporting tool so you can track what you ate, what you did and most importantly to write down your WINS. Writing down your WINS is one of the best things you can do for yourself, especially when some days it may feel there were no wins ;-) 
* Day and date. Please fill it out like this: Monday, October 24, 2016
* What was your weight this week?
* What did you have for breakfast?
* What did you have for lunch?
* What did you have for dinner?
* What snacks did you have? And how much?
* Did you do any exercises? If yes, what and for how long?
* Please describe how your day went today (How did you feel? What challenges did you have? What happened?)
* What WINS did you have today? Find as many as you can and describe them in detail. The more you validate your success in life, no matter how small, the more successful you'll be.
Comments, feedback or questions