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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
Educational System and Syllabus Preferences
Suitable Neutral Unsuitable
* Arabic government school
* Arabic private school
* Indian school
* Pakistani school
* American school
* British school
Children Admission Preferences
Educational System Language Medium
Suitable Neutral Unsuitable
* English in Indian syllabus/accent
* English in Pakistani syllabus/accent
* English in American syllabus/accent
* Arabic in government school syllabus
* Give reasons for preferred school syllabus and language.
Demographic or Social Changes
Good Neutral Bad
* Different cultures
* Different heritages
* Different languages
* Different religions
* Different educational system and syllabus
* Different customs and tradition
* Different lifestyle
* Political attitude
* Population increase
* Social structure changes
* Entertainment
Immigrant’s Religion
Allow Many Allow Some Allow a Few Allow None
* Muslims
* Christians
* Hindus
* Jewish
* No religion
Immigrant’s Nationality
Allow Many Allow Some Allow a Few Allow None
* Arab Expat
* Indian
* Pakistani
* Bangladeshi
* Filipino
* Sri Lankan
* European
* American
Immigrant’s Financial Status
Allow Many Allow Some Allow a Few Allow None
* Poor immigrants
* Rich immigrants
Well-Being of People and Community after increase in immigrants
Better/Positive Neutral Worse/Negative
* Safety
* Security
* Economy
* Community
* Society
Stay Status
Allow Many Allow Some Allow a Few Allow None
* Residents application
* Citizenship application
* Tourist application
* Short-term stay
* Long-term stay