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* What section do you work in?
* What is your job title?
* Are you full time / part time?
Full time
Part time
Working hours:
Proposal is for our flexi hours to remain 07:30-18:30 (different to WMDC’s 06:00-22:00)
Overtime – weekend and evening work (after 7pm):
• Proposed: to reduce weekend rate to time + 1/3 for Saturdays and Sundays as per WMDC (currently its time + ½ on Saturdays and double time for Sundays). Also change to overtime immediately before or after a shift: first half hour paid at plain time, after which premium rate of time + 1/3 to apply
• Proposed: only those working a 37 hour week and above would be eligible for this enhanced overtime pay (part time workers would not qualify).
• Proposed: to cap overtime payments to staff at Scale 6 and below (this does not appear to have been applied consistently across WYJS)
• Proposed: we adopt a general principle that managers will be able to determine a different hourly rate to that of the employees contractual hourly rate e.g. where duties are outside of normal contractual duties or where a number of employees on varying grades are undertaking the same duties as per WMDC
Would any changes to overtime pay affect you?
Don't know
Could these changes potentially affect you in the future?
Don't know
If yes to the above, what work are you likely to be undertaking when working overtime? Does this represent part of your normal duties?
How many times are you likely to work overtime per year?
How would the proposals potentially affect you and your work?