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My name is ………………. and I am calling you from Showtime. We are currently conducting a survey amongst our subscribers to evaluate their satisfaction level with Showtime content.

As a valuable subscriber of Showtime, you have been selected to share your opinion. Can you kindly give me a few seconds of your time for this purpose?
1. Do you watch the English Premier League on Showtime?
* 2. Who is the sponsor of the English Premier League on Showtime? (Interviewer: Do not read answers)
Don't Know
* 3. Have you seen any TV commercials for Toshiba on Showtime?
4. What was the main message of the advertisement; that is the main point that the ad wanted to communicate? (Interviewer: Do not read, just choose what matches with the respondent’s answer)
Toshiba is trustworthy
Toshiba has the best technology
Toshiba uses the finest components known to science
Toshiba delivers the best and most advanced precision optics to meet all needs
Toshiba leads the innovation
Toshiba fulfils its promises to its customers
Toshiba trusts its customers’ judgments and choices
Other (specify)

5. What do you recall from the content of the ad? (Interviewer: Do not read, just choose what matches with the respondent’s answer)
Trust – Small world, big concept
Toshiba leading Innovation
I trust guys at Toshiba
(Take me,) I trust guys at Toshiba to equip me with the finest components known to science
Precision Optics Graphics/Visuals
Without trust there will be chaos
Trust is cool
We trust people to do what they say they will do
We trust products to deliver what their makers say they will
Take my eyes, precision optics electronically enhanced in every conceivable way to handle every conceivable situation
The robot falling in the hole
Of course Toshiba trusts me to look where I am going
Without boasting, I am pretty much state of the art

* 6. How do you rate the advertisement level of appeal? would you say it is:
Very Appealing
Somewhat Appealing
Not Appealing at all
7. How do you rate the advertisement level of relevance to you (your needs/desires), would you say it is:
Very Relevant
Somewhat Relevant
Not Relevant at all
8. How do you rate the advertisement level of uniqueness, would you say it is:
Very Unique
Somewhat Unique
Not Unique at all
9. How do you rate the advertisement level of inspiration, would you say it is:
Very Inspiring
Somewhat Inspiring
Not Inspiring at all
* Gender
Arab Expat
Other Nationality
Age Group
15-18 Years
19-24 Years
25-29 Years
30-34 Years
35-39 Years
40-44 Years
45 Years +
Country of Residence
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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