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On this page, there are phrases describing people's behaviors. Please use the rating scale below to describe how accurately each statement describes you.
Describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future.
Describe yourself as you honestly see yourself, in relation to other people you know of the same gender as you are, and roughly your same age.

Please read each statement carefully, and then fill in the number that corresponds to your response using the scale below.
1 Very inaccurate 2 Moderately inaccurate 3 Neither inaccurate nor accurate 4 Moderately accurate 5 Very accurate
* 1. Am the life of the party.
* 2. Insult people.
* 3. Am always prepared.
* 4. Get stressed out easily.
* 5. Have a rich vocabulary.
* 6. Often feel uncomfortable around others.
* 7. Am interested in people.
* 8. Leave my belongings around.
* 9. Am relaxed most of the time.
* 10. Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas.
1 Very inaccurate 2 Moderately inaccurate 3 Neither inaccurate nor accurate 4 Moderately accurate 5 Very accurate
* 11. Feel comfortable around people.
* 12. Am not interested in other people's problems.
* 13. Pay attention to details.
* 14. Worry about things.
* 15. Have a vivid imagination.
* 16. Keep in the background.
* 17. Sympathize with others' feelings.
* 18. Make a mess of things.
* 19. Seldom feel blue.
* 20. Am not interested in abstract ideas.
1 Very inaccurate 2 Moderately inaccurate 3 Neither inaccurate nor accurate 4 Moderately accurate 5 Very accurate
* 21. Start conversations.
* 22. Feel little concern for others.
* 23. Get chores done right away.
* 24. Am easily disturbed.
* 25. Have excellent ideas.
* 26. Have little to say.
* 27. Have a soft heart.
* 28. Often forget to put things back in their proper place.
* 29. Am not easily bothered by things.
* 30. Do not have a good imagination.
1 Very inaccurate 2 Moderately inaccurate 3 Neither inaccurate nor accurate 4 Moderately accurate 5 Very accurate
* 31. Talk to a lot of different people at parties.
* 32. Am not really interested in others.
* 33. Like order.
* 34. Get upset easily.
* 35. Am quick to understand things.
* 36. Don't like to draw attention to myself.
* 37. Take time out for others.
* 38. Shirk my duties.
* 39. Rarely get irritated.
* 40. Try to avoid complex people.
1 Very inaccurate 2 Moderately inaccurate 3 Neither inaccurate nor accurate 4 Moderately accurate 5 Very accurate
* 41. Don't mind being the center of attention.
* 42. Am hard to get to know.
* 43. Follow a schedule.
* 44. Change my mood a lot.
* 45. Use difficult words.
* 46. Am quiet around strangers.
* 47. Feel others' emotions.
* 48. Neglect my duties.
* 49. Seldom get mad.
* 50. Have difficulty imagining things.
1 Very inaccurate 2 Moderately inaccurate 3 Neither inaccurate nor accurate 4 Moderately accurate 5 Very accurate
* 51. Make friends easily.
* 52. Am indifferent to the feelings of others.
* 53. Am exacting in my work.
* 54. Have frequent mood swings.
* 55. Spend time reflecting on things.
* 56. Find it difficult to approach others.
* 57. Make people feel at ease.
* 58. Waste my time.
* 59. Get irritated easily.
* 60. Avoid difficult reading material.
1 Very inaccurate 2 Moderately inaccurate 3 Neither inaccurate nor accurate 4 Moderately accurate 5 Very accurate
* 61. Take charge.
* 62. Inquire about others' well-being.
* 63. Do things according to a plan.
* 64. Often feel blue.
* 65. Am full of ideas.
* 66. Don't talk a lot.
* 67. Know how to comfort others.
* 68. Do things in a half-way manner.
* 69. Get angry easily.
* 70. Will not probe deeply into a subject.
1 Very inaccurate 2 Moderately inaccurate 3 Neither inaccurate nor accurate 4 Moderately accurate 5 Very accurate
* 71. Know how to captivate people.
* 72. Love children.
* 73. Continue until everything is perfect.
* 74. Panic easily.
* 75. Carry the conversation to a higher level.
* 76. Bottle up my feelings.
* 77. Am on good terms with nearly everyone.
* 78. Find it difficult to get down to work.
* 79. Feel threatened easily.
* 80. Catch on to things quickly.
1 Very inaccurate 2 Moderately inaccurate 3 Neither inaccurate nor accurate 4 Moderately accurate 5 Very accurate
* 81. Feel at ease with people.
* 82. Have a good word for everyone.
* 83. Make plans and stick to them.
* 84. Get overwhelmed by emotions.
* 85. Can handle a lot of information.
* 86. Am a very private person.
* 87. Show my gratitude.
* 88. Leave a mess in my room.
* 89. Take offense easily.
* 90. Am good at many things.
1 Very inaccurate 2 Moderately inaccurate 3 Neither inaccurate nor accurate 4 Moderately accurate 5 Very accurate
* 91. Wait for others to lead the way.
* 92. Think of others first.
* 93. Love order and regularity.
* 94. Get caught up in my problems.
* 95. Love to read challenging material.
* 96. Am skilled in handling social situations.
* 97. Love to help others.
* 98. Like to tidy up.
* 99. Grumble about things.
* 100. Love to think up new ways of doing things.
* What is your gender?
* What is your age?
Younger than 18
18 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
65 or older
Prefer not to answer
* What is the highest level of education you have achieved?
Less than high school degree
High school degree or equivalent (e.g. GED)
Some college but no degree
Associate degree (e.g. AA, AS)
Bachelor's degree (e.g. BA, AB, BS)
Master's degree (e.g. MA, MS, MBA)
Professional degree (e.g. MD, DDS, JD)
Doctorate degree (e.g. PhD)
* On how many days a week do you play on your PS3/PS4/PS Vita in avarage?
Less than once a week
Once a week
2 - 3 days a week
4-6 days a week
Every day
How long after you started playing on your PS3/PS4/PS Vita did you start collecting trophies intentionally?
less than a month
2-5 months
6-12 months
more than a year
How often do you use help to earn trophies?
Only for hidden trophies
Only for hard to obtain trophies
Only in selected games
For most games
For every game
If you use help, what kind of help do you use to earn trophies? (multiple selection possible)
I don't use help.
I search for other gamers on the internet for special multiplayer trophies.
I use text-based trophy guides.
I use video-based trophy guides.
I read about trophies in forums.
I actively talk about/ rate difficulty of trophies online

When do you look up trophy-guides?
Before I start playing the game.
While I'm playing the game.
After I finished the game.
I don't use trophy-guides.
Why do you collect trophies? (multiple selection possible)
For fun.
To compare myself with gamers on my friendlist.
To compare myself with gamers on leaderbords.
Honor the game.
I don't know why.
I don't collect trophies intentionally.