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  1. What is your age?
b) 30-50

2. Are you a male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

3. How long are you working at TUI Nederland?

a) Less than 10 years
b) More than 10 years

4. With how many people do you share your office?

a) 0-3
b) 3-5
c) >5

5. Do you work in project groups?

a) Yes
b) No
6. How far do you travel to your workplace?
a) <10km
b) >10k

7. How do you travel to your workplace?

a) By bike
b) By Car
c) Walking
d) Public transport

8. What motives you the most in your work?


a)Higher incomes
b)More flexible schedule
c)More responsibilities
d) Others:


9.  Would it motivate you if your supervisor would delegate to you their tasks once a month?

b) No