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Typhoid Fever

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Have you ever been infected by Typhoid?
What do you think how is typhoid fever spread?
It can be caused by Salmonella paratyphi, bacteria that can cause severe illness.
The bacteria are deposited in water or food by a human carrier and are then spread to others.
Can spread by infected person in their stools (faeces) or, less commonly, in their urine.
Where in the world do you get typhoid fever?
United States
South Africa
What are the signs and symptoms of Typhoid Fever?
A high temperature that can reach 39-40°C (103-104°F)
Stomach pain, Constipation or Diarrhoea
Excessive Urination
How Typhoid can be treated?
Can be treated with Antibiotics
Can be treated by physical health care
Can be treated by bed rest
How can you prevent Typhoid fever?
By drinking safe water
Frequent hand washing
Get vaccinated against typhoid fever.
What do you do if you think you have Typhoid fever?
See a doctor immediately
Will take antibiotics
Wait for the further symptoms
What is the bacteria that cause Typhoid fever?
Candida Albicans
Salmonella Typhi
Thiomargarita namibiensis
What is the most common vaccination for Typhoid?
What are the common side effects of Typhoid drugs?
Problems relating Urination
Reddening of the skin, especially around the ears
Difficulty with breathing or swallowing
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