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* Name : 
* Institution : 
* Email Address : 
Please provide the approximate volume of Evaluation and Management codes (E&M's) your institution bills each year.
Who does your E&M Coding? Check all that apply
Internal Coders
External Coders/Coding Company
Could you expand upon this? (e.g. outpatient-physician, inpatient-outsource, ED-internal)

* Estimate % of total E&M volume coded by each option
Internal coders
External coders/coding company
Values must add up to 100
* If coders are used, are coders required to be certified?
N/A- we do not use coders
Who does your Surgical/Specialty Procedure Coding? Check all that apply
Internal Coders
External coders/coding company
* Estimate % of total Surgical Procedure Coding volume coded by each option
Internal Coders
External coders/coding company
Values must add up to 100
* Are there any surgical specialties where physicians do their own coding? (If so, please list)
* How is coding quality and accuracy measured and monitored?
Compliance Office
Medical Group
Clinical Departments
Combination - if combination, please explain

* Approximately how many E&M services are reviewed internally per year? (e.g. 10 cases per physician per year)
* Please elaborate on the types of reviews (audits, risk assessments, quality reviews for revenue optimization, or a combination? Please explain)
* Are clinical providers required to complete coding and documentation training? If so, how is the training administered? (e.g. online vs. instructor led, and frequency of training)