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What does the IRS stand for?
Do you complete your own tax returns?
How many pages is our current tax code?
With the upcoming presidential election, tax reform has been a hot topic. Will tax reform be an important issue for you?
Yes, it is one of the most important issues to me.
No, I don't care all that much.
Yes, but there are other issues I care about more.
Which of the following statements do you agree with most?
There aren't enough deductions in our current tax code.
There are too many deductions and loopholes in our current tax code.
Which of the following income tax reform plans would you be most likely to support?
A flat tax rate for all income brackets
Progressive tax rates of 10%, 25%, and 28%
Progressive tax rates of 0%, 10%, 20%, and 25%
Two tax brackets of 15% and 35%
Taxing the wealthy 50% or higher
If the tax code were to be reformed, which of the following do you think should be retained? Select all that apply.
Investment interest expense
Capital gains tax
Estate tax
Alternative minimum tax
Mortgage interest deduction

If the tax code were to be reformed, which of the following would you most like to see changed or eliminated? Select all that apply.
Increase the standard deduction
Eliminate the marriage penalty
Raise the estate tax
Raise the corporate tax
Decrease the corporate tax
Eliminate loppyist-created loopholes

What is your gender?