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* I needlessly delay finishing jobs, even when they're important?
That's me for sure
That's my tendency
That's not my tendency
Tha't's not me for sure

I postpone starting in on things I don't like to do
That's me for sure
That's my tendency
That's not my tendency
Tha't's not me for sure
I usually have to rush to complete tasks on time
That's me for sure
That's my tendency
That's not my tendency
Tha't's not me for sure
I usually start a task I'm given shortly after I'm given it
That's me for sure
That's my tendency
That's not my tendency
Tha't's not me for sure
When deadlines are approaching, I often waste time by doing other things
That's me for sure
That's my tendency
That's not my tendency
Tha't's not me for sure
I often have a task that necessary 
That's me for sure
That's my tendency
That's not my tendency
Tha't's not me for sure
I keep putting off improving my work habits
That's me for sure
That's my tendency
That's not my tendency
Tha't's not me for sure
I'm a time waster now but I can't seem to do anything about it
That's me for sure
That's my tendency
That's not my tendency
Tha't's not me for sure
When faced with a huge task, I figure out what the first step is so that I can get going.
That's me for sure
That's my tendency
That's not my tendency
Tha't's not me for sure
I frequently say I'll do it tomorrow
That's me for sure
That's my tendency
That's not my tendency
Tha't's not me for sure