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Wellbeing survey

Colleague Wellbeing Survey

Following wellbeing activities in 2013 we want to hear more about what you like and want from your wellbeing programme in the future.

The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete and it is your opportunity to have your say.
* Department:
Job Title

* I know who to contact if I have a question relating to my wellbeing benefits package
* How would you like the wellbeing team to communicate with you? (please tick all that apply)
Team Briefs
Posters/ Desk Drops
Other, please explain

* How often would you like to receive communication from the wellbeing team?
Wellbeing Newsletter

All colleagues receive a quarterly wellbeing newsletter by email. The newsletter contains information relating to health as well as all you need to know about upcoming events.
* I read the wellbeing newsletter
* If no, why not?
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly Agree
* I find the wellbeing newsletter interesting and informative:
What would you like to see included in the wellbeing newsletter to improve the content?
What else would you like to see included in the wellbeing newsletter?
Wellbeing Booklet

Your wellbeing booklet contains information on what's available to you and how to take advantage of a package that takes care of your financial, emotional and physical wellbeing. The booklet also tells colleagues what the charity does to reward and recognise hard work and contribution
* I know where to find the wellbeing booklet
* I have read the wellbeing booklet
Some of it
* I find the wellbeing booklet: (Please tick all that apply)
Easy to read
Old Fashioned/Dated
Too much information
Not enough information

How could the wellbeing booklet be improved?
Wellbeing Benefits Package

Your wellbeing programme supports you in your financial, emotional and physical health and provides you with all the information you need to maximise your wellbeing. The purpose of this section is to find out what you think of your wellbeing package and what you would like to see added in the future.
Physical Wellbeing
* Have you used your Westfield Health Cash Plan?
Are you aware of the following services provided by Westfield Health?
Yes No
* Doctorline
* Best Doctors
* Westfield Rewards
Have you used any of the following services:
Yes No N/A
* Doctorline
* Best Doctors
* Westfield Rewards
* Did you have a health screen in the workplace provided by Prevent Plc?
Why didn't you have a Health Screen?
* In 2013 we made on-site alternative therapy available at all offices; have you used this service?
I didn't know this was available
How could your physical wellbeing benefits be improved?
Emotional Wellbeing
* Do you know what the Employee Assistance Program is?
* Have you used the Employee Assistance Program?
How useful was the Employee Assistance Program?
Why haven't you used the Employee Assistance Program?
* Are you aware the charity offers stress awareness workshops to all colleagues?
How could your emotional wellbeing benefits be improved?
Financial Wellbeing
Have you used any of the following:
Yes No I didn't know this was available
* Assisted Study
* Childcare Voucher Scheme
* Season Ticket Loans
* Reduced Price Car Parking
* Cycle to Work
* Confidential Debt Advice
* Financial Planning Workshop
* General Money Management Workshop
* Savings by Payroll (Leeds City Credit Union)
* Welfare Benefits Check
* Utility Switcher
* Holiday Purchase/Sale
* Equity Release
* Mortgage and Insurance Advice
Are you likely to use any of the following in the future:
Yes No
* Assisted Study
* Childcare Voucher Scheme
* Season Ticket Loans
* Reduced Price Car Parking
* Cycle to Work
* Confidential Debt Advice
* Financial Planning Workshop
* General Money Management Workshop
* Savings by Payroll (Leeds City Credit Union)
* Welfare Benefits Check
* Utility Switcher
* Holiday Purchase/Sale
* Equity Release
* Mortgage and Insurance Advice
* Which 3 of the following do you value most?
Assisted Study
Childcare Voucher Scheme
Season Ticket Loans
Reduced Price Car Parking
Cycle to Work
Confidential Debt Advice
Financial Planning Workshop
General Money Management Workshop
Savings by Payroll (Leeds City Credit Union)
Welfare Benefits Check
Utility Switcher
Holiday Purchase/Sale
Equity Release
Mortgage and Insurance Advice

* Which 3 of the following do you value least?
Assisted Study
Childcare Voucher Scheme
Season Ticket Loans
Reduced Price Car Parking
Cycle to Work
Confidential Debt Advice
Financial Planning Workshop
General Money Management Workshop
Savings by Payroll (Leeds City Credit Union)
Welfare Benefits Check
Utility Switcher
Holiday Purchase/Sale
Equity Release
Mortgage and Insurance Advice

How could your financial wellbeing benefits be improved?
Reward & Recognition
The following are good ways of recognising colleagues contributions and hard work throughout the year:
Strongly Disagree Disgaree Neither agree nor disgaree Agree Strongly Agree
* Annual Discretionary Attendance Bonus
* Iain Kendall Memorial Award
* Long Service Award
* Department R&R
How else could the charity reward and recognise the contribution and hard work of colleagues?
The Future

We want to give you the chance to help shape your wellbeing package in the future by having your say on what you want to see included.
* Please tell us 1 thing you would like to see introduced to maximise your wellbeing: