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You are invited to participate in our survey for the Women's Retreat of 2014. It will take place on April 19th-20th, 2014 and will be at the Dickinson Farm!

This event is for all female-identified students at Dickinson College to take part in our annual Women’s Retreat. Participants will be asked to reflect and share what experiences have made them the women they are today. The diverse women of Dickinson can empower one another to learn and love together by sharing who they are with the community. We hope to develop a sense of strength and pride in being women through our unique local, national, and global experiences.

Thank you very much for your time and support!
If you have participate in the women retreat before, which activities are interesting (Select all that apply)?
Walk the line (Ice-breaking)
Step into the Fish Bowl--Open Discussion as group about intersections of being a women
Health, food & women
Scarf dancing

Which other activities will you be interested (potential activities)?
Walking meditation
Poetry/ writing workshop
Art-related activities
Yoga/dance/ etc
Women in different places (domestic/international women)

What other activities you think will be great for our retreat?
What types of food do you want to eat during the retreat (Select all that apply)?
Local food
Cultural food
International food

Who would you like to invite to the retreat (administrative staff& professors)? Please write all the names that you can think of.
What expectations do you have for this year's women retreat? :
Comments/Other suggestions:
Do you want to be involved in planning the retreat?
Yes, please provide your name and dickinson email address below
Do you want to be on our email-list?