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Are you a member of any environmental or conservation organization?
Have you ever made a monetary donation to the WWF?
How many times within the last 10 years have you visited a national park?
How important do you think the WWF’s work is?
Not important at all
Not very important
Somewhat important
Very Important
I do not know what WWF does
How important of an issue is ecological conservation to you?
Not important at all
Not very important
Somewhat important
Very important
Have you studied/worked in a field related to environmental policy
What do you think is the most important environmental/ecological issue to you?
Climate Change
Loss of Biodiversity
Depletion of natural resources
Currently within global biodiversity hotspots the WWF and Google are partnering to help stop wildlife poaching through the use of camera equipped drones and animal tag tracking devices. Recently, poaching rates for the African Rhino have grown from approximately 15-20 kills per year to over 600. The number of elephant and tiger poaches matches or exceeds this number and in 2011 African Elephants in particular were hunted for a staggering 24 tons of illegal ivory. African Elephants are a keystone species of the savannah and forest ecosystems. Without the survival of these elephant populations the biodiversity and ecological stability of these regions would suffer immensely.
How aware were you of this given information?
Not aware
Somewhat aware
Very aware
With the partnership of Google, the WWF is now able to modernize its efforts for protecting endangered animals. Through this modernization they will not only increase the effectiveness of protection but will be able to do it in a more cost effective manner. If properly funded, the expected results from individual investment would help eliminate poaching and allow populations to survive at sustainable levels. In order to fund these efforts there is currently litigation under consideration to add a small surcharge to current government taxes over a period of five years.