Dear Respondent
You are invited to participate in my survey 'Creating Accessible Built Environments:Planning for an Aging Population'.In this survey,you will be asked a series of questions about disability and aging issues in your community.Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. All survey responses will be stricly confidential.If you have questions at any time about the survey please contact me.

Thank you very much for your time and support.
1. Name of Council
2. Position of Respondent
3. The New Zealand Disability Strategy 2001 is designed to present a long-term framework for creating a fully inclusive society. What initiatives, if any, has your Council established in response to this strategy?
4. Does your Council have a policy or strategy statement on improving access for disabled people (apart from what is required under the Building Act)?
5. When was it adopted?
6. Please rank in order of priority (where 1 is the most important) what the policy/strategy hopes to achieve.
To improve physical access to buildings and facilities open to the public
Ensure that all services provided by,or on behalf of Council,are accessible to people with disabilities
Ensure all Councillors and Council staff have opportunities to build awareness and understanding of disability issues
Encourage greater disability awareness and attitudinal change amongst private sector developers
Improve communication methods and provision of information to people with disabilities
Remove barriers to people with disabilities in transport provision across the city
Improve access to education and employment of disabled people
Develop partnerships with the disability sector
Develop improved community consultation with disabled people
Other priorities ( please state )
7. Do you have a working definition of ` disability', which is used to inform the development of access/disability policies?
1.In the past 5 years, has your Council undertaken any formal training in disability awareness?
Staff( from which departments?)
If NO please indicate what is the main reason
2.Are all Council buildings and community facilities accessible to people with disabilities?
3.Please indicate what measures have been implemented in the past 5 years to improve physical access to Council buildings and facilities.What proportion of buildings and facilities have these features?
All buildings and facilities
More than 50%
Less than 50%
Planned for the future
Designated parking which is close to entrance of buildings/facilities
Good access route from carpark to buildings/facilities
Ramped (with reasonable gradient) or level access to buildings
Handrails on ramps,steps,stairs
Automatic sliding doors
Accessible toilets ( with good directional signage and location)
Service counters are within reach for wheelchair users
Clear and legible signage( including tactile forms of information)
Wide internal doors that are easy to open
4. Are all parks and reserves accessible to people with disabilities?
5. Please indicate what measures have been implemented in the past 5 years to improve physical access to parks and reserves.What proportion of parks and reserves have these features?
All parks and reserves
More than 50%
Less than 50%
Planned for the future
Designated parking
Good access route from carpark to parks and reserves
Accessible toilets ( with good directional signage and location)
Clear and legible signage at entrance/exit points and in the parks
Pathways are wide enough for wheelchair users
Pathways are reasonably smooth, continuous and clear of obstacles
6. In planning new footpaths and walkways or, when upgrading existing ones, does your Council have a policy or strategy statement for implementing the following accessibility features? (Please send a copy of this statement when you return the questionnaire)
As you are aware, the requirement for ‘reasonable and adequate’ access to buildings and amenities for people with disabilities is included in the Building Act, Building Code and NZS 4121:2001.These deal only with minimum standards of design.
In your experience, on a scale of 1 (‘ very effective’) to 5 (‘very ineffective’) how effective are the building controls in securing barrier free access?
Very effective
Somewhat effective
Very Ineffective

2. In your experience, on a scale of 1 (‘ very willing ‘) to 5 (‘ very unwilling’ ) how willing are developers in the private sector to go beyond meeting the minimum requirements of the Building Act?( ie: by 'going beyond' this means being pro-active and recognising that disabled access involves more than just doing what the legislation requires)
Very Willing
Very Unwilling
3. In your opinion what is required to encourage more developers to incorporate accessible design features beyond the minimum standards required by the Building Act?
Planning for an aging society will require understanding the changes associated with the aging process and how these changes affect a person’s ability to negotiate the built environment.
1. Does your Council have a policy or strategy statement that refers to 'planning for an aging population'?
2. For communities in your area what issues need to be addressed in planning accessible built environments for an aging population. (Please rank in order of priority).
Improving physical access to council buildings and community facilities
Supporting the mobility and transportation needs of older people
Improving locational accessibility between services, facilities and residential areas
Improving safety and security in the pedestrian environment
1. Which organisations, if any, do you consult for guidelines on access/disability issues (e.g.: Royal Foundation of the Blind; local disability group, Age Concern)
2. In the last 3 years how often has the Council consulted these groups and what was the purpose of this consultation?
3. What does your Council do to facilitate participation by disabled people and older adults in the planning process?

Related templates and questionnaires