Survey Templates Surveys Driver Behavior in Floods

Driver Behavior in Floods

Driver Behavior in Floods

Introduction: Hi, my name is Cedar League and I’m a graduate student in the Department of Geography at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. I am researching floods for my thesis, and am contacting you because I saw your YouTube video. Would you please respond to an online questionnaire about your experience driving (or riding as a passenger) on a flooded road?

This survey should take approximately 10 minutes. Your valuable opinions may help emergency agencies improve public awareness and warnings related to floods.

Informed Consent
Purpose: This study is aimed to better understand individual’s decision-making process in stressful driving situations due to flooding. This study hopes to improve mitigation measures to reduce flood losses. You will be asked questions about your experience related to your posted YouTube video.

Confidentiality: Participation is completely confidential. No identifying information (such as your name or address) will be linked with your responses. Your individual privacy will be maintained in all publications or presentations resulting from this study.

Voluntary Participation: Your participation in this study is voluntary and you have the right to withdraw your consent or discontinue participation at any time with no penalty. You also have the right to refuse to answer any question(s) for any reason. Completion of the online questionnaire indicates your agreement to be a part of this study.

Questions: If you have any questions regarding this project, you may contact Cedar League at (719) 371-0847. If you have questions regarding your rights as a research participant or any concerns regarding this project, you may report them, confidentially, to Sandy Wurtele, Ph.D., the UCCS Chairperson of the Institutional Review Board, at (719) 262-4150.

Thank you very much for your time and contribution to this important research study. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the CONTINUE button below.

Section 1: Your YouTube Video
All questions refer to the day your YouTube flooded road video was taken, unless otherwise noted.
1. What is your YouTube User Name (in order to link your response to your video)?:
2. Where was the video taken? (City, State, or general location)
3. How familiar were you with this location?
4. Approximate date video was taken (if known).
5. Were you the driver or a passenger in the vehicle?
6. Who else was in the vehicle with you? (Check all that apply)
7. Were you the person filming the video?
8. What was the purpose of your trip when the video was made? (Check all that apply)
9. How much did the following factors influence your decision to drive or ride on the flooded road? Please rank each factor ranging from "No Influence" to "Strong Influence."
No Influence
Some Influence
Moderate Influence
Strong Influence
I was late for an appointment or in a hurry
Route was shorter than other routes
I did not know of another possible route
All other possible routes were closed or blocked off
The car ahead of me made it through
I had confidence in the vehicle to make it through the flood water
I had confidence with my driving abilities (or the driver's abilities) to make it through the flood water
I did not believe the road was flooded
It didn’t look that deep
I had already made it through a scarier or worse flooding situation
No Influence
Some Influence
Moderate Influence
Strong Influence
It was not my decision (the other people in the car wanted to go)
The road conditions were getting worse (It was better to go now than it would be to go later)
10. Were there any additional factors that influenced your decision to drive or ride on the flooded road? If yes, please explain...
11. Did your expected route change due to the road conditions?
12. Did your expected itinerary (where you were going) change due to the road conditions?
13. Did you drive through any closed roads or barriers along your route?
14. What type of vehicle were you in?
15. Approximately how many inches of water were on the roadway (at its deepest point)?
16. Based on a scale from 1 to 5, how dangerous were the road conditions in terms of being a threat to your personal safety? (with 1 being not dangerous and 5 being very dangerous)
17. Did you require rescue or any emergency assistance?
18. How much would each of the following factors influence your decision to AVOID driving in flooded roads in the future? Please rank each factor ranging from "No Influence" to "Strong Influence."
No Influence
Some Influence
Moderate Influence
Strong Influence
If there were public education campaigns aimed at driver awareness of flood waters
If there were barricades or signs present indicating road closure
If there were emergency officials present indicating road closure
If traffic tickets were issued for driving on closed roads
If you experienced a personal loss from a flood
If you had family or friends in the car with you(to protect them)
If you ever got stuck or swept away from flood waters
If you heard of somebody else who got stuck or swept away
If you had to pay to be rescued
If you knew of another possible route
No Influence
Some Influence
Moderate Influence
Strong Influence
If there were electronic message signs present indicating the level of flood danger according to your speed, the height and velocity of the water
It’s too dangerous - I would never do it again
19. Are there any additional factors that would influence your decision to AVOID driving in flooded roads in the future? If Yes, Please Explain...
20. Why did you make a video of your experience - and post it on YouTube? Please be specific...
Section 2: Flood Warnings and Awareness
21. Were you aware of the road conditions before entering the vehicle that day??
22. If you answered “yes” to question 21, how did you get your road and/or weather information that day? (Check all that apply)
23. Which sources do you normally use to find weather information? (Check all that apply)
24. Were there any National Weather Service weather warnings or watches in effect when the video was taken?
25. If you answered “yes” to Question 24, did the weather warnings or watches influence your decision to drive that day? Please explain… (If you answered no or I don't know to Question 24, please skip to Question 26).
26. Do you pay attention to flood warnings?
27. Looking forward, would you drive in similar weather and road conditions again (similar to the day of your YouTube video)?
28. How many inches of moving water do you think it takes to sweep away most vehicles including trucks and SUV's?
29. How many inches of moving water do you think it takes to sweep a person off their feet?
30. In which of the following circumstances do you think a fatal accident is more likely to happen during a flood?

Section 3: Previous Flood Experience
31. Have you ever witnessed flooding before?
32. Was this the first time you ever drove or rode in flood waters?
33. Have you ever suffered a significant financial loss as a result of a flood, such as your home, car, or job?
34. Have you ever suffered a significant emotional loss as a result of a flood (family or personal distress)?
Section 4: Demographic Information
35. Gender
36. What is your age group?
37. Ethnic (Cultural) Group
38. Total gross household income expected this year?
39. Highest level of education completed?
40. The language spoken most often in your home is...
41. Please share any other comments or suggestions you have related to this study.
42. I would be very interested to learn more about your experience on a flooded road. Would you agree to talk with me on the phone or by email?
43. Would you like to receive final results from this research project?
If Yes, please provide your email address...

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