Survey Templates Surveys Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

1. Who or what is the biggest oppressor of alternative fuels?
2. In 2007, what percent of oil the U.S. consumed came from the Persian Gulf countries?
3. Which of these possible renewable sources of energy do you think we should pursue the most?
4. What factor do you think is most important when seeking a renewable energy source?
5. Would you consider buying your electrical energy from a renewable source even if it is slightly more expensive?
6. What do you think the biggest benefit of using electricity and/or thermal energy produced from renewable energy sources?
7. What do you think the average solar water heater costs before rebates?
8. The American government should spend more money on researching renewable sources of energy.
9. As the U.S. makes the switch to an alternative energy source; do you want government regulation of the industry (i.e. controlling prices, monopolies, etc.)?
10. Wind-generated power does not produce any pollution however wind farms would be most efficient established in the Northeast United States posing a threat to the ‘aesthetic character’ of the wilderness lifestyle. Given this threat, would you support wind power as an alternative energy source?
11. Google invested $10 million in June of 2008 to a solar energy company that is producing solar energy farms over the Southwest United States in an effort to help produce utility-scale power cheaper than coal. Would you be willing to financially support solar energy farms in the United States?
What is your age?
What is your political party?
Which U.S. state do you live in?

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