Survey Templates Surveys NS4405 Risk assessment

NS4405 Risk assessment

NS4405 Risk assessment

Dear student:
You are invited to participate in this online evaluation of the suicide and risk assessment aspect of module NS4405.You are asked to complete the evaluation so that future delivery and assessment of suicide and risk assessment can be improved upon.

You will be able to evaluate this aspect of module NS4405 by completing this 4 page online questionnaire. It will take approximately 5 to 7 minutes to complete the questionnaire. The questions are organised under the headings:
1. General information
2. Technical Details
3 Delivery Process
4. Knowledge and Professional Development
5. Assessment Process
6. Reflection

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point.

Your responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Therese Hennessy at [email protected]

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the questionnaire now by clicking on the Continue button below.

General Information
Student ID
Technical Details
Please answer the following questions:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The demonstration on using recording equipment was clear
The tutorial on how to access the video recordings online was clear
The operation of the equipment was easy to use
Below Average
Technical Support was
Delivery Process
Consider "Suicidal Behaviour in Ireland: Recent Facts and Findings" section of the lecture and answer the following
Below Average
The content of lecture was
The clarity of the lecture was
The handouts were
The link between theory and clinical practice was
Consider "Contributory Factors to Suicide" section of the lecture and answer the following
Below Average
The content of lecture was
The clarity of the lecture was
The handouts were
The link between theory and clinical practice was
Consider "Responding to Person in Crisis" lecture/workshop and answer the following
Below Average
The content of lecture was
The clarity of the lecture was
The handouts were
The link between theory and clinical practice was
The effictiveness of role play was
Too Short
Too Long
The time allocated to the delivery of the lecture on suicide and risk was
The time allocated to the delivery of the workshop on suicide and risk was
In what year of your course would you prefer to receive your risk ssessment(suicide)training?
Knowledge and Professional Development
Please answer the following:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The content of the lecture on suicide and risk was appropriate to the aims and objectives of the module
The content of the workshop on suicide and risk was appropriate to the aims and objectives of the module
Please answer the following:
A lot
A little
Not at all
The lecture increased my knowledge in managing suicide risk
The workshop increased my knowledge in managing suicide risk
Upon completion of workshop and lecture, my confidence in undertaking a risk assessment increased
Which best describes your skill at risk assessment?
Assessment Process
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The use of video is a good learning tool?
There was sufficient time allocated for the assessment of risk interview?
The risk assessment interview process was challenging?
The risk assessment interview helped me to link theory to practice?
The risk assessment interview process improved my clinical skill?
Viewing the video recording improved my awareness of my communication style and techniques used?
I identified areas of communication, style and technique that I can improve upon?
The lecture and workshop prepared me sufficiently for the risk assessment interview?
30% of the overall 100% mark is appropriate for the risk assessment interview grade?
What would you consider an appropriate mark?
I availed of the opportunity to have a mock run before the Interview?
Did you enjoy the assessment process?
I would prefer an actor rather than a class mate to act the case study with?
Reflective Process
Please make any comments that you feel will be of value to the evaluation

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