Survey Templates Surveys occupational psychology MSc

occupational psychology MSc

occupational psychology MSc

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this MSc research project. The questionnaires will take no more than 15 minutes to complete in total.
This research is concerned with organisational behaviour and how the actions taken by an organisation might influence employee attitudes and behaviours.
Your participation in this research study is entirely confidential. No information will be recorded that could identify you later on. However, involvement is voluntary and if you decide you wish not to continue at any point you may exit the survey and your responses will be excluded from the data. Participation is through 'self-selection' and the only criteria for involvement in this research is that you must currently work for an organisation (therefore excluding self-employed and unemployed individuals).

Please try to answer the questions as accurately and honestly as possible.

If you have any questions regarding this research or if you would be interested in receiving a copy of the final results and report you may contact the researcher:
Suzie Fairley ([email protected])

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

This first set of questions is simply to gather some demographic information regarding you and the organisation you work for.

Are you:
What is your age?
How many years have you worked for your current organisation (to the nearest year)?
Is your job permanent or contract?
Which sector do you work in?
Do you work in a management role?
How satisfied are you with your current job?
To what extent do you believe the organisation you work for is pro-actively involved in the following behaviours?
Rate each question from 1 to 7 (where 1 = very much involved and 7 = not at all involved)
Those which benefit the local /global community (e.g. through social and cultural initiatives; good relationships with other organisations; internship and volunteer schemes)
Those which benefit the environment by efficiency of energy use, minimisation of emissions or use of eco-products and building/product design (e.g. recycled materials)
Those which benefit the customer/client (e.g. decisions made with the customer’s best interests intended; customer satisfaction surveys; protection of customer information and accurate marketing)
Those which benefit the employee (e.g. fair working hours and pay; learning and staff development practices; adequate family care leave policies; equal opportunity based recruitment practises; low staff turnover)
Those which benefit the shareholders (e.g. maximising profit and growth with transparency and accountability of spending)
To what extent do you believe it is important that the organisation you work for should be pro-actively involved in the following behaviours?
Rate each question from 1 to 7 (where 1 = very important and 7 = not at all important)
Those which benefit the local /global community (e.g. through social and cultural initiatives; good relationships with other organisations; internship and volunteer schemes)
Those which benefit the environment by efficiency of energy use, minimisation of emissions or use of eco-products and building/product design (e.g. recycled materials)
Those which benefit the customer/client (e.g. decisions made with the customer’s best interests intended; customer satisfaction surveys; protection of customer information and accurate marketing)
Those which benefit the employee (e.g. fair working hours and pay; learning and staff development practices; adequate family care leave policies; equal opportunity based recruitment practises; low staff turnover)
Those which benefit the shareholders (e.g. maximising profit and growth with transparency and accountability of spending)
Listed below is a series of statements that represent feelings that individuals might have about the company or organization for which they work. With respect to your own feelings about the particular organization for which you are now working, please indicate the degree of your agreement or disagreement with each statement by selecting one of the seven options below.
strongly disagree
slightly disagree
slightly agree
strongly agree
I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career with this organization.
Right now, staying with my organization is a matter of necessity as much as desire.
One of the few negative consequences of leaving this organization would be the scarcity of available alternatives.
Even if it were to my advantage, I do not feel it would be right to leave my organization now.
I really feel as if this organization's problems are my own.
I owe a great deal to my organization.
I do not feel any obligation to remain with my current employer.
This organization has a great deal of personal meaning for me.
I do not feel like "part of the family" at my organization.
I would feel guilty if I left my organization now.
strongly disagree
slightly disagree
slightly agree
strongly agree
I feel that I have too few options to consider leaving this organization.
I do not feel "emotionally attached" to this organization.
I do not feel a strong sense of "belonging" to my organization.
Too much of my life would be disrupted if I decided I wanted to leave my organization now.
If I had not already put so much of myself into this organization, I might consider working elsewhere.
This organization deserves my loyalty.
I would not leave my organization right now because I have a sense of obligation to the people in it.
It would be very hard for me to leave my organization right now, even if I wanted to.
Consider the following options and their importance in relation to your career at present. Rank these options from 1 to 5 (1 being the most important factor to you when considering your career and 5 being the least important factor to you when considering your career).
pay and promotion
autonomy and independence
security and stability
expertise in your field
work-life balance

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