Survey Templates Surveys Tax Compliance

Tax Compliance

Tax Compliance

Part A – Tax Compliance
Based on the statements, please select the answer which you think is appropriate.
Tax morale
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Slightly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
You would cheat on tax if you have the chance.
It is wrong if a taxpayer does not report all of his or her income in order to pay less income tax.
We cannot blame taxpayers that evade tax.
If in doubt about whether or not to report a certain source of income, you would not report it.
Taxes are so heavy that tax evasion is an economic necessity for many to survive.
You pay less tax if you know that you would not be penalized.
You pay taxes voluntarily without public coercion.
Since everybody evades taxes, one can hardly be blamed for doing it.

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