Survey Templates Surveys Acupuncture



Thank you for taking time to complete this survey!

The purpose of this survey is to obtain professional opinions regarding the effective use and feasibility of acupuncture in the chemical dependency field.

Approximately 100 professionals will complete the survey.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any time.

Your survey responses will be anonymous. Data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate.

If you have questions at any time about the survey or procedures, you may contact Lisa Avery, Ph.D. at 359-2277 or by e-mail at the e-mail address specified below.

Thank you for taking time to complete our survey. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

What is your level of education?
What is your age range?
Please check any of the following that best describes your ethnicity?
Which of the following BEST describes your position title?
Which of the following BEST describes your usual work setting?
Have you ever received acupuncture treatment?
Would you consider receiving acupuncture treatment for a health condition?

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I believe acupuncture is effective in treating chemical dependency addictions.
Does your agency offer chemical dependency treatment services?
Which of the following services are provided by your agency? (Please check all that apply.)

Does your agency offer acupuncture treatment?
Do you believe your agency should consider providing acupuncture treatment as an adjunctive therapy?
If cost were not a factor, would you recommend your agency use acupuncture treatment more often?
Has your agency completed evaluations to determine if acupuncture treatment is effective?
How much does providing acupuncture treatment services increase your overall treatment costs?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I believe acupuncture treatment provided by my agency is effective.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Acupuncture is effective for treating Alcohol Dependence
Opiod Dependence
Nicotine Dependence
Inhalent Dependence
Hallucinogen Dependence
Cocaine Dependence
Cannabis Dependence
Amphetamine Dependence
Sedatives, Hypnotics, or Anxiolytics Dependence
Polysubstance Dependence
0% (No Phases)
100% (All Phases)
50% to 75% (Most Phases)
25% to 50% (Some Phases)
Less Than 25% (Very Little Use)
If cost was not a factor, I would recommend my agency use acupuncture in ____ percent of treatment service phases?
A lot of knowledge.
Some knowledge.
Little or no knowledge.
How would you rate your knowledge regarding effects/outcomes of acupuncture treatment for individuals in recovery?
If your agency were to receive grant funding to develop an acupuncture program or increase acupuncture services in your agency, do you think it would be supported in the Spokane community?
Do you believe acupuncture is effective toward treating cravings in all chemical addictions?
Do you believe acupuncture is effective in reducing relapse?
If your agency began or continued to offer acupuncture services, would you be willing to pass the cost increase to your clientele?

How much treatment efficacy would be sufficient to justify developing or continuing acupuncture treatment in your current program?

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