Survey Templates Surveys SeniorThesis


Seniorr Thesis

Thank you very much for taking the time to participate in this senior thesis study. Your complete and honest answers to the following questions will help me to construct a model to determine if there are differences in the way that different generations perceive their employment options.

The survey will take 5-10 minutes.

Have you ever declined a job offer?
If yes why:
Please describe your ideal day:
Please describe your ideal job:
What year did you or do you anticipate graduating?
How many job offers did you receive upon graduation?
Did you visit or work at your first employer out of college before accepting their offer?
What was / is your expected salary for your first job out of college?
What is the minimum salary you would accept for your ideal job in your field?
Why did you select your first job out of college?
All else equal, which company would you prefer working for:

Company A:
Base Salary: $75,000 ($1440/week)
Vacation: 2 Weeks

Company B:
Base Salary: $72,000 ($1385/week)
Vacation: 4 Weeks

Did you accept your job before or after gradation?
How many months before or after graduation did you accept your job (either direction is positive)?
Please rank the following in terms of importance for your initial job decision out of college (100pts)
Career Development
Friends at Work
Reputation of Organization
Vacation Time
Retirement Options
Organizational Structure
Bonus Opportunities
Learning Potential
Health Coverage
Challenge of Work
Performance Management
Friends Nearby
Base Salary
What college did you attend?
Which job would you prefer?

Company A:

Job Title: Janitor
Salary: $75,000

Company B:
Job Title: Surgeon
Salary: $25,000
What were your reasons for selecting your college(100pts)?

Friends at the school
School Size
Financial Aid
Student Life
Distance from home
Please indicate which job you would accept if the two jobs were equal with the following exceptions:

Company A:
Base Salary - $50,000
Possible Bonus - $0

Company B:
Base Salary - $30,000
Possible Bonus - $40,000 (Average employee receives $10,000)

Please indicate how much you agree with the following statement:

I see myself working for the same company for the majority of my career.
All else being equal, please indicate the minimum salary requirement for you to accept a job with company B. Each job would last for 1 year.

Company A:
Base Salary: $50,000
Location: Mid-sized city, No contact restrictions

Company B:
Base Salary: Negotiable
Location: Based aboard a ship with very limited contact outside of the company.

Which would you prefer:
All else being equal, please indicate the minimum salary requirement for you to accept a job with company B.

Company A:
Base Salary: $50,000
Commute: 15 Minutes (one-way)

Company B:
Base Salary: Negotiable
Commute: 60 Minutes (one-way)

Would you prefer:
All else being equal what is the minimum salary requirement that would be necessary for you to accept a job from Company B?

Company A:
Description: Standard entry level job for 12 months then a permanent placement in the same company.
Salary: $50,000

Company B:
Description: You helped to design the job (projects) that you will be working on
Salary: Negotiable
Would you prefer:
All else equal, which company would you prefer to work for?

Company A
Base Salary: $50,000 ($960/week)
Vacation: 2 weeks

Company B
Base Salary: $48,000 ($925/week)
Vacation: 4 Weeks
Would you prefer:
All else equal please indicate the minimum salary that you would require to accept the job from company B.

Company A
Base Salary: $50,000
Employees advancing in less than 3 years: 10%

Company B
Base Salary: Negotiable
Employees advancing in less than 3 years: 40%

Did you transfer into your graduating institution?
What was your major?
Why did you pick your major? (please write everything that applies)
How many times did you change your major while in college?
When did you pick your final major?
Did either of your parents have the same or similar majors?
How old are you?
How many seasons did you play sports in high school (0 for none)?
How many seasons did you play sports in college (0 for none)?
How many years did you play sports in high school (0 for none)?
How many years did you play sports in college (0 for none)?
Did your family rent or own their house?
What was your mother's occupation?
What was your father's occupation?
What was the relationship status for your parents?
What is the size of your hometown in thousands?
Would you consider your home town setting to be:
If you would like to be contacted about the results of this study please enter your e-mail or phone number.
Please select the type of contact you would prefer

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