Survey Templates Surveys job satisfaction

job satisfaction

job satisfaction

Are you currently being employed?
Are u working in Klang Valley?
Are you working in the private sector?
Are you working as a full time employee?
My workstation is large.
I can stretch myself in my workstation
I can personalize my workspace
I feel my work life is under my personal control.
I have enough storage in my work area.
My personal belonging can be stored safely in my work area.
My workstation is over-equipped for my typical needs.
The equipment provided is appropriate for me to do my job.
My work area is within walking distance.
My work area is appropriate for my work and easily reachable.
There is no traffic jam when I am on the route to my workplace
My work environment is quiet.
I am able to have quiet and undisturbed time alone.
My workplace is safe from danger threats.
There are no work accidents occurring in my workplace.
Right now, I would rate my job satisfaction as high.
If I had it to do over, I would choose to work here again.
Overall, I would rate my working environment as good.
For how many time you had changed your job?
What probably is the main reason that will cause you make decision in changing your job?
Are you currently satisfied with your current job?If NO,please state.
Do you think that any improvement need to be done in your current working environment? If YES, please state.

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