Survey Templates Surveys Sexual Risk Taking Behavior

Sexual Risk Taking Behavior

Sexual Risk Taking Behavior

Dear Human Sexuality students,

You are invited to participate in a survey about sexual behavior. The goal of this research is to examine current sexual behaviors of undergraduate students at UCSC. Completing this questionnaire will take less than ten minutes of your time.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and anonymous. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for the current study to gather information that includes diverse experiences, so we encourage you to participate and to respond candidly to each question.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Joris Fonteijn by at [email protected].

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start completing the survey by clicking on the Continue button below.
Demographic questions
What is your sex?
What is your age? (in years)
Are you religious?
What is your religious affiliation?
How important is your religion for you?
Which of the following best describe you? (you may choose more than one)
What is the highest level of education your mother has completed?
What is the highest level of education your father has completed?
How is your current living situation?
Are you member of a fraternity / sorority?
What is you sexual orientation?
Sex-related questions concerning sexual history
Have you ever had a sexual experience with a partner?
Which sexual experiences have you ever experienced / practiced with a partner? (You may choose more than one)
How old were you when you had your first sexual experience with a partner?
Was this first sexual experience done with a steady or casual partner?
Did you or your partner use a condom during your first sexual experience?
Did you or your partner use a condom during your first sexual intercourse?
How many sexual partners have you had until now?
Did you or your partner use a condom during the last time you had sexual intercourse?
Questions about sex and STI’s
Have you ever been tested for STI’s?
Have you ever tested positive on a STI?
Which of the following STI’s have you had? (You may choose more than one)
When was the most recent time you tested positive on a STI?
Have you ever used drugs right before or during sex? (Alcohol is a drug too!)
Which drug(s) have you used right before or during sex? (You may choose more than one)
How many times have you used soft drugs (i.e., alcohol/marijuana) right before or during sex?
How many times have you used hard drugs right before or during sex?
Questions about people with a steady relationship
Read the following instructions carefully!

The next questions are about sex with your steady partner in the past 12 months.
If you had several steady realtionships, answer the following questions for your current relationship. If you don't have a steady relationship, answer the questions for your last steady relationship.
Have you been in a steady relationship for the past 12 months?
Do you have a steady relationship at this moment?
How long has your relationship lasted? (In case you broke up, enter how long it lasted)
Relationship’s duration
Have you had (oral) sex with your steady partner in the past 12 months?
How many times have you used a condom during oral sex with your steady partner in the past 12 months?
How many times have you used condoms during sexual intercourse (i.e., vaginal/anal) with steady partners in the past 12 months?
Did you or your last or current current steady partner use contraception (e.g. the pill) in the past 12 months?
Questions about casual partners
Have you had sex with a casual partner in the past 12 months?
With how many casual partners have you had sex in the past 12 months?
How many times did you use condoms during oral sex with a casual partner in the past 12 months?
How many times did you use condoms during sexual intercourse (i.e., vaginal/anal) with a casual partner in the past 12 months?
Questions about hypothetical situations
In this last section, you will be provided with two hypothetical situations. Choose the answer that fits the best with your way of acting in that situation.
Imagine being at your favorite holiday destination and not being in a steady relationship.
You meet someone you really like and after a nice evening clubbing you end up at the beach.
The opportunity to have sex arises, but you both forgot to bring a condom.

Would you, under these circumstances, have sex with this person?
Imagine yourself clubbing with a group of friends. You meet someone who you really like and you don’t have a steady relationship.
After some flirting, you decide to go to her/his home. You both feel like having sex, but she/he only does not want to use a condom.

Would you, under these circumstances, have sex with this person?

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