Survey Templates Surveys Survey of Instructors' Experiences with POI

Survey of Instructors' Experiences with POI

Survey of Instructors' Experiences with POI

The content of the course was meaningful
The content of the course was enriching
The course provided ample opportunities for improving technological skills of teaching online
The course had strong emphasis on the pedagogical aspects of the online teaching
The textbook was well-chosen
Assignments for this course were useful and appropriate
Discussion board was an effective means of communication with instructors
Discussion board allowed participants enrolled in the course to communicate with each other
Discussion board reflection assignments were well-designed and meaningful
The instructors facilitated the interaction of participants with each other
Emails provided one to one communication opportunities with instructors
The instructors provided models and examples of best practices
The context of the course was appropriate for a nonformal adult education experience
The instructors regularly distributed deadlines to encourage participants to submit assignments on time
The instructors provided prompt feedback on all assignments
The instructors provided constructive feedback on all assignments
Course Experiences
Did this course attend to adult learners needs?
Did you find the syllabus appropiate for your level?
Did you feel you were treated as a mature adult learner?
The course was designed to accommodate different ways of learning
The course offered new methods and techniques to become a better online instructor
The course met my expectations
After the coures, I improved my technological skills and pedagogical abilities to teach online
My comfort level in the ability to teach online increased after the course
I would recommend this program to my colleagues
Open-ended Questions
In terms of design and implementation of POI, what three aspects do you find most beneficial?
What aspects of the course do you find least beneficial?
How would you asses your level of preparation to teach in an online setting after the course?
What suggestions would you offer for changing the format of the course (timing, length, semester, etc.)?
What changes would you make to improve the content and communication for this course?
Did you complete the course? If not, why?
Years of teaching
Years of teaching online
Expected online teaching load/blended teaching load

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