Survey Templates Surveys White Spot Lesions in Orthodontics

White Spot Lesions in Orthodontics

White Spot Lesions in Orthodontics

Are you an Orthodontist?
Are you in Private Practice as an Orthodontist?
Please select the category that best describes how many years you have been practicing orthodontics:
Do you consider white spot lesions a major issue with orthodontics?
Do you feel that the presence of white spot lesions seen in your practice has:
What type of bracket are you currently using?
Please pick the appropriate answer:
Have previously, but no longer
Not Sure
Do you provide an in office procedure to reduce the appearance of white spot lesions?
Do you refer patients with white spot lesions for treatment to reduce the appearance?
For the list of products currently on the market for prevention or treatment of white spot lesions, please pick the appropriate answers:
I have heard of this Product before
I have NEVER heard of this Product before
Not Sure
Fluoride Toothpaste (Ex: OTC brands, Rx Prevident 5000®)
Fluoride Mouth rinse (Ex: OTC 0.05% sodium fluoride, ACT®)
Fluoride Varnish (Ex: Duraphat®, Fluor Protector™, FP varnish Delton®)
In Office Fluoride trays (Ex: 2% sodium fluoride, 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride, 8% stannous fluoride)
Fluoride Gels
Fluoridated pumice paste
Fluoride releasing Sealants (Ex: Proseal™)
Fluoride releasing Primer
Glass Ionomer Cements
Resin Modified Glass Ionomer cements
I have heard of this Product before
I have NEVER heard of this Product before
Not Sure
Antimicrobial primer
Antimicrobial sealant
MI Paste™/CPP-ACP (casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate)
CPP-ACP other (Ex: “Recaldent” GC Tooth Mousse™, chewing gum, mouth rinse, lozenges)
Whitening/Bleaching Procedure
For the list of products you said you have heard of:
Currently use in office or recommend to patients
Used to use/recommended
Never have used/recommend
Fluoride Toothpaste (Ex: OTC brands, Rx Prevident 5000®)
Fluoride Mouth rinse (Ex: OTC 0.05% sodium fluoride, ACT®)
Fluoride Varnish (Ex: Duraphat®, Fluor Protector™, FP varnish Delton®)
In Office Fluoride trays (Ex: 2% sodium fluoride, 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride, 8% stannous fluoride)
Fluoride Gels
Fluoridated pumice paste
Fluoride releasing Sealants (Ex: Proseal™)
Fluoride releasing Primer
Glass Ionomer Cements
Resin Modified Glass Ionomer cements
Currently use in office or recommend to patients
Used to use/recommended
Never have used/recommend
Antimicrobial primer
Antimicrobial sealant
MI Paste™/CPP-ACP (casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate)
CPP-ACP other (Ex: “Recaldent” GC Tooth Mousse™, chewing gum, mouth rinse, lozenges)
Whitening/Bleaching Procedure
How successful were the products you said you use or have used to prevent or decrease the appearance of white spot lesions?
Very Successful
Somewhat Successful
Neither successful or unsuccessful
Very Unsuccessful
Somewhat unsuccessful
Fluoride Toothpaste (Ex: OTC brands, Rx Prevident 5000®)
Fluoride Mouth rinse (Ex: OTC 0.05% sodium fluoride, ACT®)
Fluoride Varnish (Ex: Duraphat®, Fluor Protector™, FP varnish Delton®)
In Office Fluoride trays (Ex: 2% sodium fluoride, 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride, 8% stannous fluoride)
Fluoride Gels
Fluoridated pumice paste
Fluoride releasing Sealants (Ex: Proseal™)
Fluoride releasing Primer
Glass Ionomer Cements
Resin Modified Glass Ionomer cements
Very Successful
Somewhat Successful
Neither successful or unsuccessful
Very Unsuccessful
Somewhat unsuccessful
Antimicrobial primer
Antimicrobial sealant
MI Paste™/CPP-ACP (casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate)
CPP-ACP other (Ex: “Recaldent” GC Tooth Mousse™, chewing gum, mouth rinse, lozenges)
Whitening/Bleaching Procedure
You mentioned that you do not use the following product(s) why? Click all that apply.
Satisfied with current product/products and do not want to switch
Do not know enough information on product
I am concerned about the bond strength
I do not think it is effective in preventing white spot lesions
Too Expensive
Expect Poor Patient Compliance
Fluoride Toothpaste (Ex: OTC brands, Rx Prevident 5000®)
Fluoride Mouth rinse (Ex: OTC 0.05% sodium fluoride, ACT®)
Fluoride Varnish (Ex: Duraphat®, Fluor Protector™, FP varnish Delton®)
In Office Fluoride trays (Ex: 2% sodium fluoride, 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride, 8% stannous fluoride)
Fluoride Gels
Fluoridated pumice paste
Fluoride releasing Sealants (Ex: Proseal™)
Fluoride releasing Primer
Glass Ionomer Cements
Resin Modified Glass Ionomer cements
Satisfied with current product/products and do not want to switch
Do not know enough information on product
I am concerned about the bond strength
I do not think it is effective in preventing white spot lesions
Too Expensive
Expect Poor Patient Compliance
Antimicrobial primer
Antimicrobial sealant
MI Paste™/CPP-ACP (casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate)
CPP-ACP other (Ex: “Recaldent” GC Tooth Mousse™, chewing gum, mouth rinse, lozenges)
Whitening/Bleaching Procedure
Do you have any other comments on white spot lesions you would like to share?

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