Survey Templates Surveys Environmental concern among product developing SME

Environmental concern among product developing SME

Environmental concern among product developing SME's

Before you start the questionnaire, can you please confirm some details about your company.

Be assured that all details will be treated in the strictest confidence.

What would you consider your company?
Does your company carry out product development, defined as: Developing products that are either new to the world or new to the company including major product modifications and/or new products that are an extension of an existing product family. This does NOT include minor product changes and modifications.
How does your company manage its new product development process?

Please tick the ONE statement below that is most accurate
When your company starts to develop a new product, which of the following statements most closely represents the way it goes about defining the product specification?

Please tick ONE statement from each pair

Is your company aware of Design for Sustainability (DfS) as defined as: The practice of understanding the customer and economic requirements for a product, along with the need to improve both its environmental and social impact, and then balancing all these factors throughout the whole design and development process.
Have you previously come across the term Design for Environment (DfE): The design approach which attempts to reduce the overall environmental impact of a product, process or service throughout its lifetime by assessing factors that cause negative impact, and also attempts to minimise the effects.
During product development does your company routinely use:
Please indicate from the list below which one? Please indicate only what you consider to be the main approach used:
From your own understanding, why does your company choose to use this particular approach?

Please mark only 3 answers
What are the downsides of using this approach?

Please mark only 3 answers
At what stage is it most common to consider the environmental impacts of a product under development?

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