Survey Templates Surveys 性別影響網上購物意欲調查



Hello, we are year 3 students studying Information Systems Management. We are now conducting a survey about your opinions on online shopping. Please kindly spare a few minutes to answer the following questions. Your information provided will be used for academic purpose only. Thank you for your cooperation.

你好, 我們是香港浸會大學資訊系統管理學系的三年級學生。現正進行有關性別影響網上購物意欲調查, 希望閣下用兩分鐘寶貴時間填寫問卷。除特別註明或者需要填寫文字外,請在適當的橫線上填上剔號,並圈上適當的數字,謝謝。

Have you ever visited an online shopping website? 你曾否瀏覽購物網站?
Have you ever purchased anything through online shopping website? 你是否曾經在網上購物?
During the past six months, your frequency of online purchase is:
Which shopping website you visited? 你最常到哪個購物網站?
What kind of products you bought in the past six months from the shopping website?(you can have more than one options) 過去六個月內你曾在網上購買那類產品或服務? (可填寫多項)
I purchase products online that are not available or difficult to find in physical stores. 我可在網上買到很難於其他商舖的貨品
I like to shop online because I can do it any time. 我可以在任何時間網上購物
Online shopping is troublesome. 網上購物是麻煩的
Shopping website make me feel uneasy. 網上購物令我感覺拘束
I get a sink feeling when I visit shopping website. 我在網上購物時感覺消沉
Shopping website makes working more interesting. 網上購物使購物變得更有趣
I enjoy interacting with shopping website. 我享受網上購物的互動過程
I use shopping website for fun. 我使用網上購物是為其樂趣
I feel safe completing commercial transactions over the website. 我認為在購物網站上完成整個交易過程是安全的
There is too much uncertainty associated with online shopping. 網上購物連帶過多不能確定的事物
During my visit to shopping website I felt confused. 在網上購物的過程中我感到困惑
During my visit to shopping website I felt calm. 在網上購物的過程中我感到平靜
During my visit to shopping website I felt frustrated. 在網上購物的過程中我感到沮喪
It is easy to get access to the website. 登入購物網站是容易的
The sites are user friendly. 購物網站是易使用的
Navigation on the website is easy. 網上瀏覽是容易的
It is difficult to find the products that I want on the website. 在網上很難找到想要的貨物
My interaction with the website is clear and understandable. 我與購物網站的互動是清楚和可理解的
I find it is easy to get the website to do what I want it. 我可在網上很容易找到想要的貨物
Learning to use this web site is easy for me. 對我而言,學習如何使用網上購物是容易的
It would be easy for me to be skillful at using the website. 對我而言,熟悉地使用網上購物是容易的
I am willing to give private information to online companies once it is required. 如有需要,我願意提供個人資料給網上商店
I give my credit card information to the online companies when I purchase. 我提供信用卡資料給網上商店
It is not a problem to pay in advance over the website. 我願意預付給網上商店
Online companies become professionally. 網上商店開始變得專業
Online companies fulfill their promises. 網上商店履行它們的諾言
Online companies are trustworthy. 網上商店是可信任的
Online companies keep promises and commitments. 網上商店履行它們的承諾和保證
It is necessary to be cautious when buy on the website. 網上購物時提高警覺是必需的
I believe the websites act in my best interest. 我相信購物網站是根據我的喜好而行事的
I believe the websites are trustworthy in transaction. 我相信購物網站在交易過程中是可信的
I believe the websites perform their business well. 我相信購物網站妥善地經營它們的生意
I believe the websites are capable and proficient in business. 我相信購物網站是有能力地和熟練地經營它們的生意
Online websites are always honest with me. 對我而言,購物網站是誠實的
I trust the information the website provided. 我相信購物網站提供的資訊
I find shopping website is more helpful than chat rooms. 我認為購物網站所提供的資訊比聊天室內提供的資訊更有用
I look for price information during online shopping. 我在網上購物時會留意有關價格的資訊
I look for brand information during online shopping. 我在網上購物時會留意有關品牌的資訊
I look for information about dealers carrying the product during online shopping. 我在網上購物時會留意有關商家的資料
Word-of-mouth is important for me to consider online shopping. 網上購物與否,口碑是其中重要的因素
I concern other customers’ opinions on the products purchased from the website. 我關注曾使用該購物網站交易之顧客的意見
I like to compare my experience with that of others. 我喜愛將別人的經驗與自己比較
Positive experiences from others influence my online shopping decision. 其他人正面的分享會影響我的購物的決定
I likely repurchase products from those shpping websites I visited. 我很可能會在同一個購物網站作多次購物
I think online shopping is an appropriate way to purchase products. 我認為使用網上購物是恰當的方法
I like to do online shopping at home. 我喜愛在家中進行網上購物
I use the shopping website frequently to do my shopping. 我使用網上購物購買商品
I use the online shopping whenever appropriate. 在任何適當情況下,我均可以進行網上購物
Gender 你的性別:
Age 你的年齡組別:
Education Level 教育程度:
Occupation 職業:
Average income per months 你每個月的個人收入:
Money spend on online shopping per month 你平均每個月在網上的消費金額:

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