Survey Templates Surveys Money Laundering Survey

Money Laundering Survey

Money Laundering Survey

Are you fully informed about the Money laundering Regulations 2003?
Are you fully informed about the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002?
Are your employees fully equipped to deal with the new legislation?
Do you accept cash payment to the value of €15,000(about £10,000)?
If ''Not'', what other forms of payment do you accept?
What measures are you going to implement in order to forestall and prevent Money Laundering?
Are you expecting to lose business as a result of clients' identity verification?
Have you been involved in deals which could be considered ''suspicious''?
Have you reported any suspicious client to National Criminal Intelligence Services?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Auctioneers should adopt a best practice procedure to ensure not unwittingly becoming part of a Money Laundering process.

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