Survey Templates Surveys Global Project Management

Global Project Management

Global Project Management

This survey consists of 12 questions. Complete participation will enter you for a prize draw consisting of one book on project management, from Gower publishing. There are 10 books available, and they will be sent to you by mail without any costs. In addition to this, if you forward the survey to your colleagues, you might receive one free copy of the award-winning book "Global Project Management". The 2 persons who forward the survey to more participants will receive one gratis copy of the book by mail, without any costs.

The data gathered from this survey will be used for a PhD Thesis in Global Project Management. The main goal of this research project is to identify key factors that contribute to the success of Global Projects.

This survey is stored on a secure internet survey web site. The survey data is only accessible by the researcher and will be held in a format that does not identify you in any way.

If you provide your contact information, it will be used by researcher for further contacts with you and only if you agree to further participation.

By taking participation in this survey you agree that the data gathered from this survey may be published on the basis that you will not be personally identified in any way in the publication.
What is your current office location? In case you work in different offices, please specify where you spent more time in the last 3 months.
What is your country of origin? (where you were born)
Think about your current or last project. In which countries were/are your team members located? Consider the team members that communicate with you during meetings, using e-mails or any other media.
Think about the same project than the previous question. In which countries are other stakeholders located? Consider people outside the group of team members, for example: suppliers, end users, customers, governmental agencies.

In case they are located in the same countries specified in the previous question, please answer only "SAME COUNTRIES".
Based on your recent experience, how important are the following factors for the success of global projects? Please rate only the importance level, not how the factors describe your project or organization.
Not important
Moderately important
Very important
Global project managers must recognize the national cultures present in the project team, accepting the different mindsets and respecting them, and assigning people to the roles and activities that fit their communication style.
Global project managers must adapt their leadership, motivation, communication and management styles to the different cultures they work with.
A good level of trust must exist between global project managers and global team members.
Conflicts between global team members must be managed successfully and not affect the team collaboration
Global project managers must provide coaching effectively to distant project coordinators and team members
Global project managers must conduct effective negotiation with stakeholders from other companies and organizations.
Team members from different countries must form a cohesive team, working toward the project objectives.
The needs from global stakeholders must be taken into account by the global project manager and team members
Common rules and templates must be available for team members from different countries and organizations
The communication strategy for global projects must specify the relationship between each key stakeholder and the main information types, defining the best media and manner for the communication to take place.
Not important
Moderately important
Very important
Global project managers must master the techniques to collect information from geographically distributed team members, exchange project information with the main team members, and distribute the project status and reports to key stakeholders.
Global project managers must use effective tools and techniques to foster creative ideas and capture fuzzy (unstructured) knowledge in meetings over distance.
Different project organizational structures must exist (centralized, decentralized) and be adapted to the geographical dispersion and specialization of the global team members
Effective processes must exist for selection and training of international human resources
Programme or Project Management Offices must provide effective services to improve the success rate of global projects.
Senior executives and HR departments must understand the differences across corporate and country borders, know what elements can influence the motivation of the international working force, and effectively motivate and support global project teams.
Senior executives must understand the different challenges faced during alliances and partnerships (between suppliers, producers and customers with their sub-contractors and service providers), and define collaboration strategies during early stages.
Telephones, e-mails and remote access to corporate systems must be available to the global team members
Telephones, e-mails and remote access to corporate systems must be used efficiently by global team members
Global team members must have access to audio-conferencing services
Not important
Moderately important
Very important
Global team members must use audio-conferencing services efficiently
Global team members must have access to video-conferencing services
Global team members must use video-conferencing services efficiently
Global team members must have access to web-conferencing services, to share computer screens over distance
Global team members must use web-conferencing services efficiently
Global team members must have access to internal chat rooms or online forums
Global team members must use efficiently the internal chat rooms or online forums
Global team members must have access to knowledge management systems
Global team members must use efficiently the knowledge management systems
Global team members must have access to collaborative project management systems, which manage the project schedule, costs and/or resources
Not important
Moderately important
Very important
Global team members must use efficiently the collaborative project management systems
Global team members must have access to workflow management systems, which manage reviews, approvals and assignment of tasks
Global team members must use efficiently the workflow management systems
Global team members must identify and manage political risk factors
Global team members must identify and manage legal risk factors
Global team members must identify and manage economic risk factors
Global team members must identify and manage socio-cultural risk factors
Global team members must identify and manage managerial risk factors
To what extent does each statement describe the situation in your organization today?
Not at all
To a little extent
To a moderate extent
To a great extent
To a very great extent
Global project managers recognize the national cultures present in the project team, accepting the different mindsets and respecting them, and assigning people to the roles and activities that fit their communication style.
Global project managers adapt their leadership, motivation, communication and management styles to the different cultures they work with.
A good level of trust exist between global project managers and global team members.
Conflicts between global team members are managed successfully and don’t affect the collaboration
Global project managers provide coaching effectively to distant project coordinators and team members
Global project managers conduct effective negotiation with stakeholders from other companies and organizations.
Team members from different countries form a cohesive team, working toward the project objectives.
The needs from global stakeholders are taken into account by the global project manager and team members
Common rules and templates are available for team members from different countries and organizations
The communication strategy for global projects specifies the relationship between each key stakeholder and the main information types, defining the best media and manner for the communication to take place.
Not at all
To a little extent
To a moderate extent
To a great extent
To a very great extent
Global project managers master the techniques to collect information from geographically distributed team members, exchange project information with the main team members, and distribute the project status and reports to key stakeholders.
Global project managers use effective tools and techniques to foster creative ideas and capture fuzzy (unstructured) knowledge in meetings over distance.
Different project organizational structures exist (centralized, decentralized) and are adapted to the geographical dispersion and specialization of the global team members
Effective processes exist for selection and training of international human resources
Programme or Project Management Offices provide effective services to improve the success rate of global projects.
Senior executives and HR departments understand the differences across corporate and country borders, know what elements can influence the motivation of the international working force, and effectively motivate and support global project teams.
Senior executives understand the different challenges faced during alliances and partnerships (between suppliers, producers and customers with their sub-contractors and service providers), and define collaboration strategies during early stages.
Telephones, e-mails and remote access to corporate systems are available to the global team members
Telephones, e-mails and remote access to corporate systems are used efficiently by global team members
Global team members have access to audio-conferencing services
Not at all
To a little extent
To a moderate extent
To a great extent
To a very great extent
Global team members use audio-conferencing services efficiently
Global team members have access to video-conferencing services
Global team members use video-conferencing services efficiently
Global team members have access to web-conferencing services, to share computer screens over distance
Global team members use web-conferencing services efficiently
Global team members have access to internal chat rooms or online forums
Global team members use efficiently the internal chat rooms or online forums
Global team members have access to knowledge management systems
Global team members use efficiently the knowledge management systems
Global team members have access to collaborative project management systems, which manage the project schedule, costs and/or resources
Not at all
To a little extent
To a moderate extent
To a great extent
To a very great extent
Global team members use efficiently the collaborative project management systems
Global team members have access to workflow management systems, which manage reviews, approvals and assignment of tasks
Global team members use efficiently the workflow management systems
Global team members identify and manage political risk factors
Global team members identify and manage legal risk factors
Global team members identify and manage economic risk factors
Global team members identify and manage socio-cultural risk factors
Global team members identify and manage managerial risk factors
Can you think about other factors that contribute to the success of global projects?
To what extent do you face each of these challenges in global projects?
Not at all
To a little extent
To a moderate extent
To a great extent
To a very great extent
Multicultural collaboration (people from various cultures)
Multilingual communication (people with different languages)
Cross-organizational relationships (people from various companies)
Geographical distance (locations in different countries)
Asynchronous interactions (people in various time zones)
Do you face other challenges in global projects?
To what extent does your company obtain each of the following benefits from global projects?
Not at all
To a little extent
To a moderate extent
To a great extent
To a very great extent
Multicultural flexibility and innovation
Accurate picture of international customer's needs
Alliances and partnerships
Round-the-clock project execution
Access to worldwide pool of resources
In comparison to projects where all team members come from the same country, do you see other benefits from global projects (from the perspectives of the company, the project manager or the team members)?
Your current job is best described as:
When you consider the most important project in the last 2 years, what is/was the overall budget?
When you consider your most important project in the last 2 years, what is/was the total duration?
In what type(s) of projects do you usually participate?
What are the project management methods/bodies of knowledge used in your company? Please mark all that apply:
Please enter your e-mail Address in case you want to enter a prize draw to receive one copy of a project management book, from Gower publishing. You will only receive one e-mail from us, with the winners of the prize draw and the survey results. We will not provide your e-mail to any company or mailing list.
Please enter here the e-mail address of the person who referred you to this survey. This person might receive one free copy of the award-winning book "Global Project Management", as the 2 persons who forward the survey to most participants will receive one gratis copy of the book by mail, without any costs.

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